Welcome to my ABC Cafe. Below you will find books, cds, and more that I recommend. There are also links to the pages at Amazon.com where you can purchase these items. At the foot of the page you will find a search box where you can search Amazon's catalog for any item you wish. I do get a small commission for purchases that result from following these links. 100% of all proceeds will be given to organizations that I believe fight for the same ideals the Friends of the ABC were fighting for.

Les Miserables, Modern Library Edition.
Translated by C. E. Wilbour, one of the original translators of the novel, this edition is unabridged and in hardback.
Les Miserables, Signet Classics.
Translated by Lee Fahnestock and Norman MacAfee, this unabridged paperback edition is based on the translation by C.E. Wilbour with the aim "to move the phrasing and vocabulary forward, closer to contemporary usage." Contains an introduction by Lee Fahnestock.
The Hunchdog of Notre Dame
(Adventures of Wishbone #5)

This is the novelization, by Michael Jan Friedman, of the episode of the popular PBS series. It is written for children ages 9-12.
Smithsonian Historical Performances:
Les Miserables: Orson Welles

All 7 episodes of the radio drama directed by Orson Welles in 1937. This was done prior to the shows he did for Mercury Theater On The Air, but many of the actors who appear on these tapes followed Welles to his later productions. Welles plays the roles of Valjean, Champmatheiu, and the narrator. Most of the time listening to the tapes, it is hard to believe he was only 22 years old when he did this. But he was only 26 when he did Citizen Kane.

Amazon's description uses the word, "unabridged". This refers to the radio show, and not Hugo's novel. However, all narration and dialogue comes directly from the novel. These are Victor Hugo's words.

Baudelaire's Flowers of Evil
This unabridged edition of Charles Baudelaire's classic collection of poetry contains the poetry in the original French as well as in English. The translations were selected by the editors from a variety of translators under the assumption that one translator can't do justice to every poem.
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