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How many Dun Ard and former Dun Ard fighters can you find?
Send your answer to: Giles of Redheugh
Welcome to the Shire Fighter Practice.
- DAY: Each Sunday we are at Townsend Gym at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas. However, from time to time we travel to neighoring Shires and
Baronies to practice with other fighters. To ensure we are having practice in Dun
Ard, your best bet is to E-mail or call us. Go to the Officers
Page for E-mail addresses
- TIME: When at Dun Ard we start at 1:30 P.M. and ending around 3:30 P.M. If there
are enough fighters we start up again, at 6 P.M., after the shire meeting.
The way the Shire of Dun Ard conducts Fighter Practice
- The first hour is in armor and full contact. However, we stress that during the bouts
the fighters stop and talk about how the other is doing and trading insights on getting
- If new fighters are present, the second hour is used for un-armoured
drills exercises and full speed training for the newer fighters. These drills
include accuracy building, team building, and other drills designed to increase the
skills of the fighters while minimizing the stress of full contact.
Feel free to come and watch us practice or better yet, Join us!