Home of The Squirrel


Welcome to Home of the Squirrel, a place devoted primarily to the study of History, Philosophy and Language, as well as related and unrelated topics of interest to these pages' editor, who for this purpose has adopted the name of the squirrel in Norse Mythology, Ratatoskr .

If you want to contribute or comment any articles published here, we will value your input. Please feel free to send mail to ratatoskr@geocities.com . .

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  • Frĺ heidenskap til kristendom - form eller overtyding? . This article is discussing different views on the Christianization of Norway, and is written by the Norwegian historian H. Grove.
  • From Heathendom to Christendom: a genuine conversion?. NEW! -The above article has kindly been translated into English by another GeoCitizen. Thanks a lot!!

      Old Norse and Mythology

  • Ratatoskr . The squirrel - a discussion of it's role.
  • Grímnismál . The complete poem in Old Norse.
  • Völuspá . The complete poem in Old Norse.
  • Völuspá [The prophecy of the Seeress] . The above poem in the translation of Lee Hollander.
  • Snorri Sturluson's Edda . Brief explanation of it's contents.
  • The Skáld . What is the role of the skáld in Scandinavian Medieaval times?

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