Note: These pages make use of the "1251" and "KOI8-R" TT Cyrillic fonts for Windows. Accordingly, your computer and browser must be "Russified" in order for you to take full advantage of these pages. Click here for a quick and clearly-explained tutorial in "Russifying" your machine.
19th & Early-20th Century Russian Literature

Anton Chekhov Dostoevski
Anton Chekhov Fyodor Dostoevski

Anton Chekhov
Three Sisters in original Russian.The Seagull in original Russian.
Uncle Vanya in original Russian.The Cherry Orchard in original Russian.

F. M. Dostoevski
Part I Chapter VII: The Murders
(1251): Chapter VII in original Russian.

Yvan Russell's "Anton Chekhov Page": The TRUE Definitive Site
Intelligent Links to All Things Russian, incredibly comprehensive, constantly updated, and beautifully maintained by Douglas Hartman.
If you are surfing with (code page) 1251 fonts —unfortunately, only 1251 fonts will work— you must visit the finest Russian children's stories on the Internet. The graphics are extremely well-done and the pages load quickly. A truly marvelous site by Mikhail Plyatskovski.

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C. S. Kuhn, Page Editor

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