My favorite Web based Company!
My favorite net invention - Get net enabled and you get to
my page just by typing payton
Want people to be able to get in touch with people on the phone
from your web site?
of Power Presentations - Peter Urs Bender
Children's story - James Clavell -
About 25 minutes from the Frankfurt airport!
Freedom Isn't free Our heros.
The reason why we don't have to worry
about someone burning our village because
of who our parents were.
better speaking, thinking, listening
Improve your communications and leadership
skills in a fun, friendly atmosphere
Recreating the Middle ages the way they
should have been. Or who says that Vikings
didn't appreciate the blues?
worst Nightmare - Switching from Mac OS to Win95 (inactive)
Abroad (EMPTY)
Payton on
Public Speaking (Not yet started)
Its almost 2000 - can you tell?
My Favorite Computer
Mac's Kick
BUT! check out the best computers in the word! (STILL)
- They start start ups
(this costs money but it is stellar)
Books you really should read!
for revolutionaries - Just out from Guy Kawasaki
Create like a
god! Command like a King! Work like a slave!
This is the book
you need if you want to start you OWN business, empire, dynasty etc.
How to communicate
while standing in front of a group.
Best book there
do YOU have trouble
getting threough to your kids - this lady doesn't!
Very scary - Required
reading before you send you kids to school.
This page is free - actually FREE - 0.00 cents per forever!
from Geocities - you
mean YOU don't have an address on the web!
Payton Fletcher
Gartenfeld Strasse 59
65527 Niedernhausen
0 6128 951178 (home)
0 6127 937-273 (work)
Dialing internationally?
add your international access code
Add 49 for Germany
drop the zero i.e. 0011 49 6128 951178
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