The Ex-Files

For Those who are "Ex-members"

If you were disfellowshipped, excommunicated, shunned or dis-membered from some group, corporate church or cult, or if you simply 'woke-up' and walked away, you are not alone. These sites are specially for those who are "Ex-members" of any group.
They are also helpful if you are curious about some organization or wonder what they would look like in your rear-view mirror.

The following sections contain links to other web sites containing helpful and interesting information. Some use humor to illuminate human foolishness. Some use extreme satire to make a point. Our link should not be construed as approval of everything that may be found there. If your church is not listed here, you will probably enjoy these sites. If your church or "organization" is listed here it does not prove that we are the anti-Christ. Consider us to beholding up a mirror. If you don't like what you see, don't blame the reflection.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the holiest of them all?"

Do you have that Dis-Membered Feeling?

Welcome to the Ex-Files! (Who, What, Why?)

Why Ex-Files?

1. Ex-Mainstream Christianity (Baptist, Methodist, etc.)

2. Ex-International Church of Christ (ICoC)

3. Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses (JW)

4. Ex-Mormon, Latter Day Saints (LDS)

5. Ex-New Age

6. Ex-Roman Catholic Church, (RCC)

7. Ex-"Sacred Names"

8. Ex-(Name omitted, read the links and you'll see why)

9. Ex-Seventh Day Adventist, (SDA)

10. Ex-Secular (Organizations that are said to operate like churches)

11. Ex-Worldwide Church of God, (WCG)

12. Ex-Orthodox

13. Ex-Lutheran

14. Ex-Non-Mainstream Groups and Individuals


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