j site



Last Updated:
September 29, 2005

resume.pdf (Adobe Acrobat)

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Contact Information

My privacy statement includes my own privacy, that is why I haven't included extensive information about myself, just about things I've done. The same goes with my contact information, just this email address.

webguy at byu dot edu

Web Site Info

Last Updated:
May 21, 2002

Total Creation Time:
70 minutes



Hi, my name is Jacob Brunson. After years of programming web sites for different people, and after many attempts of creating the ultimate site, I finally decided to quickly create a simple splash page explaining who I am and what I do. Here you will find a variety of links depending on my interests. More and more projects, reports, and information will be posted here over time.


School Assignments

Battery Evaluation Project - Physics project done in the 11th grade. This is the report for an experiment done to test different batteries to evaluate which one is best.

The Gulf War - A report done in high school about the gulf war.

The Element Boron - A project done in the 10th grade about the element Boron. This mini-web-site was created as part of the project. Only minor changes have been made to the site since the report.

The Most Dangerous Game Presentation - Before most ninth graders (and their teachers) knew the capabilities of computers (then a 486 33MHz was a great computer) I created this slideshow presentation (using something similar to PowerPoint) and converted the presentation to html. When I built this presentation, I was crazy enough to insert sound, so adjust your speakers accordingly.

Web Sites

Unofficial Glencoe High School web site - When in high school, I was the school webmaster. Now that I'm in college, I keep a copy of the web site around just for fun, of course now, its not the official web site.

Vanilla House Pattern Company - Designed this web site for a doll/craft pattern business in Hillsboro, Oregon.

CryoComputing - Built this site as a report for my friend's science project. This web site won a $250 award for our high school.


Shameless plug for Vanilla House Designs