

The following are two researches that I have prepared as part of my Master Degree in the field of Educational Technology Leadership at the George Washington University. Both researches can help foreign language teachers to understand the benefits of the use of technology in their classrooms. They will find ideas and numerous links to projects done by other teachers who are already obtaining results in their classes.

Using the Internet in the foreign language classroom

This is a paper where teachers can find many ways of using the Internet in their classes. It provides links to many useful web sites related to Hispanic countries that can easily be used in interesting lesson plans. Teachers will also have access to professional sites where they can investigate and learn more about the use of the Internet.


Integrating technology in the foreign language classroom

In this site it is explained how teachers can integrate different technologies in their lesson plans. What can the teacher do when he/she has suddenly five computers in the classroom? The concept of the leaning centers or stations will be presented and discussed while giving useful ideas and examples of activities.