Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Southwest Michigan
Welcome Friend

Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Southwest Michigan homepage.
Perhaps you've been looking for a church where:
- Your doubts are respected.
Your guilts are lightened.
Your griefs are comforted.
Your joys are celebrated.
Your children are taught all religions.
Your talents are nurtured.
Your concerns are shared.
Your reason is honored.
...then you have been looking for the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Southwest Michigan!
Recently chartered as a congregation, this church hopes to expand the opportunities for religious liberals.

We now have a new office located at 1591 West Centre, just east of Oakland. Our room is in the northwest corner of the basement. [The phone number is (616)-324-7262.] The room probably can accommodate meetings up to 15 people. For the time being, if you want to use the building, call Lin Foote or the Calmes.


Service Time At 10:00 AM
January 2000
January 2, "New Beginnings"...Scott Gerard Prinster
January 9, "Community and Diversity"...Kelly Armor & David Sturtevant
January 16, "You'll Burn in Hell, Antoinette Brown"...Beth Marshall-Pritchard
January 23, "Religious Fundamentals: God-Talk"...Scott Gerard Prinster
Please stay after the Jan 23th service, and join us for our 4th Sunday Potluck.
January 30, "What If-They Got It Wrong"...Rev. Don Van Hoeven
February 2000
February 6, "The Vision of James Luther Adams"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
February 13, "Coming Out as Sacrament"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
February 20, "Religious Fundamentals:Faith"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
Please stay after the Feb 20th service, and join us for our Valentine Pancake Fundraiser.
February 27, "When the Future Changes"....Rev. Lisa Doege
March 2000
March 5, "Sacred, not Absolute"...Rev. Mark Pawlowski
March 12, "Language of Right relations"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
March 19, "Religious Fundamentals:Spirituality & Religion"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
March 26, "Making Our Values Real:the Murder of James Reeb"....Rev. Scott Gerard Prinster
Please stay after the March 26th service, and join us for our 4th Sunday Potluck.
April 2000
April 2, "We Only Seek to Know the Divine Path..."...Dr. Robert Franke
April 9, "Multiple Intelligences"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
April 16, "Religious Fundamentals-Sin"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
April 23, "Recalled to Life"....Rev. Scott Gerard Prinster
Please stay after the March 26th service, and join us for our 4th Sunday Potluck.
April 30, "Seeking Enlightenment in China"...Dr. Trudy Verser
May 2000
May 6, "Lives That Speak and deeds That Beckon..."...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
May 13, "M is for the Modern Mothers"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
May 20, "Under the Rainbow"...Intergenerational RE Service
May 27, "Sombrero Sunday"....Intergeneratioinal Service
Please stay after the May 27th service, and join us for our 4th Sunday Potluck.
June 2000
June 4, "Flower Communion"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
June 11, "Scarcity of Time, Abundance of Time"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
June 18, "Real Fathers/Real Men"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
June 25, "Rethinking Hunger, Food Security and Globalization"....Kenneth Dahlberg
Please stay after the June 25th service, and join us for our 4th Sunday Potluck.
July 2000
July 2, "Travel Experiences and Spirituality"...Lin and Alice Foote
July 9, "Ritualizing Out Lives"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
July 16, "Church Picnic"
Lakeview Park in Portage, 1 mile south of Pharmacia on Portage, just past the H&B grocery store. Shelter #2 is reserved in case of rain, which is toward the back of the park near the lake. Hot charcoal grills will be provided for lunch. Members and their families are invited to grill their choice.
There will be games for children and teens and other organized activities. The park also features a large play lot for children. There is no charge for entry to the park or any of the activities. All church members and their guests are invited, especially folks without kids.
July 23, "To be announced"....Rev. Jill McAllister
July 30, "To be announced"....
August 2000
August 8, "Holistic Approaches to Managing Stress, Part II"...Dr. Edo Weits
August 13, "Becoming Who I Am"...Michi I. Rose, Ph.D.
August 20, "Putting Our Faith into Action"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
August 27, "Putting Our Faith into Action"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
Please stay after the August 27th service, and join us for our 4th Sunday Potluck. This will be our Sundae Sunday. All the ingredients will be available to build your own ice cream sundaes. We'll aksi roast and toast Scott on his 2nd anniversary with us.
September 2000
September 3, "To Be Announced"...Rev. Harold Beu
September 10, "Harry Potter vs. Dr. Laura"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
September 17, "Looking Ahead to the Holidays"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
September 24, "Return to Transylvania"...Rev.Scott Gerard Prinster
Please stay after the September 24th service, and join us for our 4th Sunday Potluck.
October 2000
November 2000
December 2000

The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Southwest Michigan meets at the:
- Portage Senior Center
320 Library Lane
(Behind the Library)
Portage, Michigan 49002

The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Southwest Michigan strives to:
provide a welcoming and accepting religious community that fosters ethical living, and intellectual and spiritual growth for all ages;
actively seek members with diverse backgrounds and experience;
meet one another with intentionally open minds and hearts as we share our individual quests;
be a voice for reason, ethics, and social justice in our larger community;
affirm the principles and purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association;
hold, in a diversity of beliefs and styles, a unity of spirit.

- President:................ Judy Halseth
Vice-President:.........Alyson Naghshinah
Secretary:.................Beverly Folz
Trustee:....................Michael Leatherman
Trustee:....................Bob McWhorter
Trustee:....................Lin Foote
Trustee:....................Bill Wood

- Treasurer:......................................Bill Furry
Religious Education:......................Laurie Hogan-McLean
Canvass/Finanace Committee:.......Connie Cousins-Leatherman and Mike Leatherman
Youth Group Leaders:...................Eric and Regena Nelson
Order of Sunday Service:.............................Alyson Naghshinah
Sunday Service Committee:......................Nancy Calme
Newsletter:....................................Joe Calme
Music:...........................................Chris Bartley
Coffee:..........................................Elizabeth Fernendez
Care & Share:...............................Stephanie Grathwol
Visibility:......................................Kerry Hogan-McLean
Membership:.................................Alice Foote
Altar Set-up:.............................Rich Digby-Junger
Flowers for Service:.......................Mary King
Facility Committee:.........................Trudy Verser
Office Administration:...................Beverly and John Folz
Social Activities:............................Mary and Jim King
Faith in Action:..........................Elizabeth Fernandez
Social Justice:................................Bill Wood
Women’s Group(s):........................Faye Clifton and
Rita Eshuis
Nominating Committee:...........................Eric Nelson
Sunday Set-up Coordinator:..........Freya Lake
Ministry with Community:...........................Jim King

Ask to be put on our mailing list for ComUUnity Matters, our monthly newsletter by calling or e-mailing Joe Calme at 616-323-8851.

Here are some links involving Unitarian Universalism around the world:
Unitarian Universalist Association: Coming Events and the UUA Bulletin Board

Please feel free to e-mail us with comments, please be sure to write in the letters UU in the subject field. Thanks
Thank-you to I/NET Inc. of Kalamazoo, Michigan for linking our page to their Kalamazoo city and county site. This will link you to that site.

This site is maintained by Art Toy
E-mail: arttoy@net-link.net

This site posted 27 December 1996.
This site last updated 1 March 2000.
This page has been accessed
times since 3 March 1997.
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