Mastering grammar....Mission Impossible? Maybe. Maybe not. These are the files you can look at for reference purposes, etc.
I suggest that everyone get a copy of Strunk & White's Elements of Style, which I personally think is the best reference book on grammar. Unlike Chicago Manual of Style, it's more concise and less overwhelming.
If you have a question, please check Q&A to make sure that your question is not the one answered there. E-mail me at if your question hasn't been answered yet. I'll try to answer your questions ASAP.
Elementary Principles of Composition*
Words & Expressions Commonly Misused*
Pronouns & Verb Agreement*
Adjectives & Adverbs & Preposition*
Sentence Structure & Sentence Faults*
Approach to Style*
Computer-Age Writing*
Note: * means it's not available yet.
Copyright © 1997 by TJ