

(I never said it was good)

Here's a limerick that cannot be read correctly. When you think it sounds right, it's wrong. Oh, and there's a flaw in the flow of thought that keeps the last line from connecting properly with the rest of the poem. But I haven't figured out how to change it without destroying the original illustration.

The famous island of Manhattan
Was not the birthplace of Powhatan.
Too few remark the tribe he led
Or even whom his daughter wed
Or if his throne was made of rattan.

Here's another conflict between appearance and sound:

There once was a girl named Penelope
Who decided to dine on a cantelope.
Then when she had played her calliope
She went for a ride on her antelope.

Santa's Christmas Night 11/4/1997 - 11/24/1997

The Elephant Theory of Soccer 11/4/1997 - 11/24/1997

Searchlight 1/1970 - 4/8/1999

Two more limericks:

Cop-ter 4/12/2004

Unwind 4/12/2004

Last updated 4/12/2004

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