San Fernando Valley Good Guys Amateur Radio Club

Repeater Rules

Our Repeater is an open repeater on 224.58 - PL 156.7
General Rule

Always listen to the frequency before you start transmitting. If in doubt, then ask if
the frequency is in use before you transmit.

Monitor repeaters to become familiar with operation.
Identify with your callsign at least once every 10 minutes.
Always use your FULL CALL SIGN
Wait a second after you have engaged your PTT button before you start
Sometimes people start talking before or while they are keying the
microphone and some of the transmission is not heard by those listening. This
is especially true when you just announce your call.
Pause between transmissions to allow emergency breaks and to reset the
repeater timer. If you do not hear the courtesy tone, then please note that the
repeater timer has not reset.

Use the minimum amount of power necessary to carry on reliable
Always relinquish the frequency to a breaking station. Remember that even
though we usually talk to the same people daily at about the same time, they
may have an emergency rather than just wanting to join the round table.
If you have an emergency, then use a double break followed by your call sign.
If you are unable to hold the repeater or people can't understand you, then
clear off until your conditions improve.
Never just kerchunk the repeater for the sake of kerchunking. If you are
testing your equipment remember to identify.
Remember that Broadcasting is strictly forbidden by the FCC. Sometimes we
broadcast without realizing we are, for example when we key- up to announce
that there is a traffic jam for anyone who is listening, then clear off . This
action is broadcasting.
Before blaming the repeater for a problem, first check your equipment, then
check to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.
Always be aware of your language over the air.
The Valley Good Guys Amateur Radio Club
WILL NOT tolerate bad language, off-color jokes, or
inappropriate behavior on the repeater.
Remember when operating on an HT, to stand still while transmitting and hold
the HT so that the antenna is vertical.
Remember that this repeater is Amateur Radio NOT Citizens Band, therefore
we do not use CB language or terminology. Remember that we have names,
not handles or personals, nor do we use the 10-code.
Repeaters are for plain language.

If we all abide by these rules the repeater will be more enjoyable to us all.

M. Zauss, KC6NBQ, President