AHAD is an automated electronic mailing list that sends out an authenticated Hadith (in english) everyday to its subscribers. Hadiths are the words and deeds of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. AHAD is open to both Muslims and Non-Muslims who wish to know more about Islam.
The Hadith used will Insh'Allah all be authentic and will usually be taken from Saheeh Bukhari or Saheeh Muslim. Other sources may also be used. Either way the source will always be mentioned at the end of the Hadith.
AHAD is a *one* way list. Subscribers can't post to the list and hence it is not a discussion list. However, if your feel there is something that needs explanation, please write to the list maintainers. We'll see if we can help you out.
AHAD is a not-for-profit mailing list. We do not advertise anything on our list nor do we provide the addresses of our subscribers to advertisers. We believe that everyone should receive what he or she wishes to. The list is funded by few brothers in Pakistan (may Allah reward them).
There is only one post from AHAD each day. The size of the daily message is at the most 2 kilobyte but if the Hadith is too long, this might alter. Also, there might be some Special AHAD Issues once in a while. We try to send out the daily Hadith by 0000 hrs Pakistan Standard Time (i.e.1900 hrs GMT). Every message bears the Islamic Calender Date that represent the same in Pakistan. This might not be same as in your region.
You may tell your friends about AHAD without getting worried about the
load on the server. The Majordomo that serves this list is capable of
handling thousands of subscribers and we would very much like to see
the majordomo working on its full capacity.
About the List Maintainers:
The list is maintained by a group of brothers in Pakistan. At the moment, we are four in number. We have shared the responsibility of maintaining the list in such a way that everyone of us takes his turn for a fortnight. However, questions and comments sent by subscribers are reviewed by every maintainer and is then collectively answered. For all purposes, we can be reached at this address: ahad-owner@pobox.com
Tell your friends about AHAD - A Hadith A Day.
A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is also available for more information on "AHAD".
Comments: ahad-owner@pobox.com
Get this file: majordomo@pobox.com with 'info ahad' in the body.
Subscribe: majordomo@pobox.com with 'subscribe ahad' in the body.
Unsubscribe: majordomo@pobox.com with 'unsubscribe ahad' in the body.
Help: majordomo@pobox.com with 'help' in the body.
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