Lord Julus's Web Page

Hello, people, hello world!!
And welcome to my WEB Page!
Hope you'll enjoy!

The pages below contain poems I myself wrote starting in the year 1996. You can find poems in Romanian and English language and also some translations I made myself from romanian poets.

You can also find a link to the page dedicated to my MUSE. Don't miss it !!

Also do not miss the collection of the Best poems of all times!

Here are the pages you can browse:

Poems written in English language

Poems written in Romanian language

Translations from English into Romanian

The Muse

The Best of the Best

And if you'd like to find out something about me, click here

Lord Julus, copyright 1997 (c).
All the poems and materials are not to be distributed or broadcasted without permission.
Anyone can e-mail me at: lordjulus@geocities.com