Donn Byrne (1889 - 1929)

"An Irish novelist gets from the Irish people a certain reverence, a good measure of kindliness, considerable latitude in conduct and thought:  in fine he gets his due from a God-fearing people.  But he must not forget that his first duty is homeward."
Donn Byrne, "A Foreword to Foreigners," Hangman's House

 This page is devoted to the life and works of the most under-rated Irish American author of the 20th Century, Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne, or Donn Byrne as he was known.

All but one of Donn Byrne's novels are no longer in print.  Some of his short story anthologies have been reprinted by the Short Story Index Reprint Series in the 1970's.  The following is a list of Byrne's published works, including the original date of publication in the United States.  

Each title is a link to publication details of the work and a review [reviews still under construction].  If you are interested in submitting a review, please send it by email to the address below.  Those listed as in print by the 1997 Books in Print (Bowker) are marked with an * (asterix).  For details, including ISBN number, see each entry.  Some of the works were published in the United Kingdom under different titles.  These are noted below the American title.

The novels

The short story collections

Poetry and Travelogue

Works About Donn Byrne

On the Net

Interested in reading some of Byrne's works? Then check out Bibliofind, an Internet service that searches many used book stores. Byrne's books are considered "unsellable" by collectors, so don't expect to pay too much for great stuff.

Links to other Internet sites on Donn Byrne:

If you know of other Internet resources, please send an email to the address below.
This will hopefully becomean index to all sites, regardless of content, on Byrne.

If you have comments, suggestions, or additions email me at
Unless otherwise noted, all pages are © 1997, John J. Doherty

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Last Updated: 20 March 1997