Weekendspiration Weekendspirations are great devotions from Tim Knappenberger. © |
Whispers Whispers from the Wilderness. Devotions from Cathy Vinson.© |
Quote Archive Quotations arranged by topic from the pages of the Daily Miscellany. |
Spurgeon Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotions. Archives from January 1 thru December 31 online. |
Daily Bible Reading 365 Bible readings to read through the Bible in a year. Each linked to Bible Gaitway NIV Bible ® |
Walking Through the Darkness Many devotions from the pen of Pat Nordman.© |
The best way to connect to the Daily Miscellany is: www.geocities.com/ransome/today.html
Copyright Information: Phillip Bower is not the author of the humor, and does not claim to own any copyright privileges to the jokes. Sources of jokes are listed when known. Birthday's and Happenings for the date, and quotations are public knowledge and collected from numerous sources. Quotations are public knowledge and sources are listed when known. Weekendspirations are written by Tim Knappenberger who has copyright privileges. Cathy Vinson authors Whispers from the Wilderness and owns copyright privileges. Weekendspirations and Whispers from the Wilderness are used with permission by the respective authors. Other devotions are written by Phillip Bower unless otherwise stated. In all cases credit is given when known. The Daily Miscellany is nonprofit. Submissions by readers is welcome. |