The Bookshelf

A place to get lost in. . .

This page will be about my favorite books and will kind of resemble my bookshelf. It is a place to get lost in for people like me who reread their books a million times. I like to read children and young adult books better than adult ones because they are shorter and usually have a lighter atmosphere. At first I think I will pick a few books from each of my favorite authors, give a brief synopses of the book, then describe what I like about it.

My favorite authors are Christopher Pike, Bruce Coville, William Sleator, Pamela Service, and Sherryl Jordan.

Christopher Pike

Most people tend to lump Christopher Pike into that group of authors who write scary stories for teenagers. If you have ever read Christopher Pike, you know this is not true. His books can reach a much deeper level, dealing with the nature of the universe, and how love conquers all. Sometimes when I finish one of his books I feel like crying.

Bruce Coville

Wow! Who couldn't love this guy? Coville has brought me into the world of fantasy and intrigue ever since my fourth grade teacher read My Teacher is an Alien to our class. I really respect him because he used to be a teacher and he wrote stories for his kids. In one of his books he wrote that teaching was one of the most important jobs on the planet. This inspired me to want to become a teacher, because I believe that touching other people is one of the reasons why we are here on Earth. Coville also touches your heart and mind with stories of magical things and places.

William Sleator

I think I like William Sleator's books because they seem truly unique. I mean some of the things he writes are just. . .weird. Ever heard of a psychic dog that could communicate with a deaf boy? Or a book about Sliding through time before the show? Sometimes the ideas are just neat, such as falling into a toxic waste swamp and gaining strange mental powers. His books are just fun to read especially if you like that extra scientific element.

Pamela Service

You can't really put Pamela Service's books into a category. She writes about medieval times, the future, ghosts, science fiction. One thing I really like about her books, is that you can really identify with the characters, and their feelings about themselves and towards others.

Sherryl Jordan

My bookshelf is kind of unusual. If I find an author I enjoy I will buy all the books written by them that I can. So my bookshelf is made up of a few authors with about twenty books and a few other scattered titles. Sherryl Jordan's books are different, for one thing I don't own any of them. I can't find them anywhere except for the library, and I have only read two of them. Her books are beautiful. I think everyone should read them, I don't care what your interests are, you will enjoy her books.


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