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gary n. zupancic - 02/12/00 20:15:51
My Email:gzupancic@wimberley.txed.net

trying to find town of toplice around novo mesto in slovenia. My wife and I are americans (both schoolteachers) and I am trying to find the town my grandfather was born. we will be in slovenia in june 2000. Its nice to talk to another ZUPANCIC! can you help? Thanks

John Zupancic - 02/04/00 20:37:56
My URL:http://www.agronomysolutions.com
My Email:agronomy@dc1.starrtech.net

My son is named Yuri Zupancic. we used the Russian spelling because we knew Americans would pronounce it incorrectly. I am setting up my own web page and wanted to include my last name as key word. That is how it came up. My grandfather came from a vi lage near Ljubljana. It was called Struge. Perhaps we are related. Best regards, John W. Zupancic Dodge City, KS USA

Guy Macon, Electronics Engineer - 10/13/99 06:46:00
My URL:http://users.deltanet.com/~guymacon
My Email:guymacon@deltanet.com


Tine Zupančič - 10/02/98 09:54:06
My Email:tine.zupancic@gov.si

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