Prešernova 54
SI-1235 Radomlje, SLOVENIA
tel.(office): +386 (0)1 547 32 54, tel.(home): +386 (0)1 722 88 11
mobile: +386 (0)40 593 720
Jure Zupančič was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1960. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Sc. in
electrical engineering - robotics in 1984, 1989 and 1997 respectively,
from the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, University of
Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. From 1986 to 1997 he was
researcher and teaching assistant at Laboratory of Robotics, Faculty
of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His research
interests include robot kinematics and dynamics, accuracy,
calibration, robot bracing strategy, robot assembly and applied
From 1997 to 2001 he was with Ministry of Science and Technology, Standards and
Metrology Institute of Republic of Slovenia (SMIS), Accreditation
Department, where he was a Counsellor to the
Director. Since 1 May 2001 the accreditation department has been operating as a public institution Slovenian Accreditation (SA) in which he has currently the position of Calibration Laboratories Sector Manager. From 1997 to 2002 he was also in charge of SA quality system management.
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