




Ph.D.                                      Linguistics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. 1999.

                                                Dissertation: “The Semantics of Spanish Morphology.”


M.A.                                       Linguistics, University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). 1993.

                                                Thesis: “The Evolution of Voseo.”


B.A.                                        Business Administration (Licenciatura en Administración de

                                                Empresas), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

                                                (U.N.A.H.), Tegucigalpa, Honduras. 1986.



2004 - Present                        Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Literature and Languages,

                                                University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.


1999 - 2004                              Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Literature and Languages,

                                                University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.


1993-1999                               Graduate Instructor of Spanish, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Iowa.


1997                                        Teacher of English, University of Iowa Intensive English

                                                Program (IIEP).

                                                Taught English as a Second Language to native speakers of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese.


1991-1993                               Graduate Instructor of Spanish, Languages and Linguistics Department, UTEP.


1990-1991                               Director, Foreign Languages Department, U.N.A.H.

·        Directed and supervised the activities of eighty (80) foreign language teachers.

·        Planned, monitored, and implemented departmental activities, including hiring, scheduling of courses and budgeting.


1989                                        Coordinator, English Section, Foreign Languages Department, U.N.A.H.

·        Supervised, coordinated and evaluated the activities of forty (40) English teachers.

·        Facilitated training sessions for new teachers.


1984-1991                               English teacher, Foreign Languages Department, U.N.A.H. Taught a variety of courses and levels of English as a Foreign Language to native speakers of Spanish.



·        Hispanic linguistics

·        Morphology, lexical semantics, morphosyntax

·        The semantics of derivational morphology

·        Conceptual Structure

·        Semantic features and semantic universals

·        Voseo in Latin America



·        “Lexical Conceptual Structure and Spanish Derivation.” 2003. Journal of Language and Linguistics 2.2: 163-211. (www.jllonline.net)

·        “La distribución del voseo en Hispanoamérica”. 2003. Hispania 86.3: 612-623.

·        “Transporte urbano,” short story evaluated by a panel of judges; one of the winners in writing contest sponsored by Ediciones Nuevo Espacio. Published in a May, 2004 anthology.

·        "Headedness in Endocentric Spanish Compounds." 1996. Torre de Papel 6.2: 29-60.

·        “Faculty Perceptions and Use of Instructional Technology in the College Classroom.” 2005. with Omar Khalil and Susanne Scott. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems (JIDS) 19.2: 6-11.



·        “La importancia de la Estructura Conceptual para el análisis lingüístico.” 2006. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) Annual Conference (Salamanca, Spain).

·        “Issues in the Teaching of the Spanish Clitic se.” 2005. AATSP Annual Conference (New York, NY).

·        “The evolution of Spanish voseo: From Rome to Latin America.” 2004. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UMass Amherst. Invited by Professor Francesco D’Introno (November 2004).

·        “La Estructura Léxico-Conceptual y el clítico se en español”. 2004. AATSP 10th Biennial Northeast Regional Meeting, Yale University (September 11, 2004).

·        “Faculty Perception and Use of IT-Mediated Classrooms,” with Omar Khalil and Susanne Scott. 2004. Society for Advancement of Management (SAM) International Business Conference, Baltimore, Maryland (March 19, 2004). Paper published in the SAM Conference Proceedings.

·        “Lexical Conceptual Structure and Verbal Polysemy.” 2002. University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill Spring Linguistics Colloquium (April 27, 2002).

·        “Lexical Conceptual Structure and Spanish Derivation.” 2001. LACUS Annual Forum (Montreal, Canada).

·        “La distribución del voseo en Hispanoamérica.” 2001. AATSP 2001 Annual Conference (San Francisco, CA).

·        “Morphological Constraints and Parasynthesis.” 1997. University of Iowa Linguistics Department Colloquium.

·        "Headedness in Endocentric Spanish Compounds." 1996. University of Iowa Linguistics Department Colloquium.



·        Six for Hispania, one for the Southwest Journal of Linguistics (SWJL)



·        “Latino Empowerment.” 2002. IMDiversity (online magazine; www.IMDiversity.com)

·        “Poder latino.” 2002. Vocero Hispano (New Bedford newspaper).

·        Syllabus of Spring 2003 Business Spanish service learning project. Posted since March, 2004. National Campus Compact website (www.compact.org).



·        Outstanding Teacher Award, May, 2004 (Educational Leadership for Civic Responsibility, ELCR).

·        Certificates of Recognition for Community Service, 2003, 2004 (Community Service Program, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth).



·        Linguistic Society of America (LSA)

·        American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)

·        The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)



·        Origin and Evolution of Romance Languages (FLL 425)

·        Advanced Spanish Grammar and Syntax (SPA 325)

·        Culture and Civilization of Latin America (SPA 314)

·        Culture and Civilization of Spain (SPA 312)

·        Medical Spanish (SPA 306, 481)

·        Business Spanish (SPA 305)

·        Spanish Composition and Conversation I, II (SPA 301, 302)

·        Language and the Mind (FLL 250)

·        Spanish Literature in Translation I, II (SPA 203, 204)

·        Intermediate Spanish I, II (SPA 201, 202)

·        Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (substitution) (University of Iowa)



·        Spanish (native speaker)

·        English (native-like proficiency)

·        German (Intermediate-High level)
