Einstein wrote "E=MC2" and much has been made of that: reactors, bombs and the belief that matter and energy are neither lost nor destroyed, to name but a few results.
When a baby is born the matter and energy are obvious. With time's passing, a third entity develops: personality. Some hold that personality is merely a convergence of matter and energy and, when the body drops in death, it is the only one of the three human components that ceases to exist.
That is inconsistent.
When the body drops and rots, thereby dissipating energy, the personality, an awareness of existing, is also not destroyed. If it developed as a result of pleasure, what remains after the death of the body are a thousand thirsts without a tongue to quench. If, on the other hand, it is composed of kindness and caring, the loss of the body is the loss of an anchor which prevented the awareness from soaring into the world of ideas.
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