• Copyright 1997 Reality Project


    Some ancient people believed that goddesses of passion compelled them to mate. Various of their descendants, having realized how much sex had to do with overpopulation, starvation, military expansionism and the spread of certain diseases, concluded that demons, not gods, tempted them to have sex. So determined were they to avoid temptation and the resulting agonies that they advised males to seal the penis in plaster or cut its foreskin with a jagged scissors and believed that females could cure the "orgasm disease" by amputating the clitoris.

    Sigmund Freud was born into such confusion and became so obsessed with sex that he craved his own mother and, out of frustration, urinated on her bedroom floor. Thinking his obsession to be normal, he extended then popular theories of evolution by stating that humans are driven by instinct to mate.

    Yielding to that purported instinct has rendered people, who claim the ability to reason, unable to trust themselves not to kill themslves with their own sexuality. In fact, at the turn of the 21st century, more than 65,000,000 Americans have one or more sexually transmitted diseases and sex is responsible for as many deaths as drugs. It is cause enough to assume that the human mind is of less consequence than previously believed or that humans have yet to reason out the nature of their sexuality.

    Operating on the latter assumption, The Reality Project has devoted over thirty years to the study of human sexuality and has concluded that it is not an instinctive behavior but, rather, a compulsive behavior composed of numerous individual elements which, because they occur in the same individuals at the same time, seem to be a single, powerful, internal drive.
