ANDY WEAVER (El Charro Blanco)

Your Missionary to the Prisoners in Latin America

Andy Weaver singing in the Antigua, Guatemala jail

Brother Andy is currently ministering in the Aguascalientes state prisons and in other state prisons in central Mexico. In addition to teaching the prisoners the Word of God, Brother Andy also ministers to the prisoners in song using Mexican style sound tracks. Because of this, Mexicans call him "El Charro Blanco" (the white Mexican cowboy).

He began his career as a full-time missionary in Latin America when he moved to Guatemala in October of 1993 to attend language school there for six months. While he was studying Spanish in Guatelmala, he did jail ministry. During this period, he also took a trip to El Salvador, where he ministered in two prisons, two jails, and a juvenile detention center. (He has also ministered in prisons and jails in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.)

In May 1994, Brother Andy moved to the Monterrey, Mexico area. He ministered more than eight years in the jails and prisons of the Monterrey metropolitan area and Saltillo. During his first two and a half years in Mexico, he started weekly ministries in three jails and a juvenile detention center. In the year 2002, an associate pastor of a Center of Faith church and Brother Andy organized the first "Encounter With Jesus" retreats inside of a Mexican prison. Also, they were the first ministers to start a cell group system called "The Principle of the Twelve" inside of a Mexican prison. From this, they started two leaders' schools for the prisoners in this prison. With the vision to start a cell group system in the prisons of central Mexico, in July 2002, Andy moved to Aguascalientes, Mexico, where he now lives.

Brother Andy's goal is not just to make "converts", but also to make disciples and leaders of the prisoners. To that end, he has given out many Bibles, tracts, and started many prisoners on Bible correspondence courses. He has also given in-prison seminars. His goal is to establish evangelism and discipleship, through cell groups, in prisons throughout Mexico.

Brother Andy currently has ministerial credentials with Rhema Ministerial Association International and with Faith Christian Fellowship International (with whom he is a missionary). He also holds ministerial credentials in Mexico with Faith Christian Fellowship Worldwide (which has a relationship with FCF International in the United States). Brother Andy is the founder and director of "Grupo Cristiano Evangélico del Centro" (in English, it means Evangelical Christian Group of Central Mexico). Under the name of this group, Brother Andy (as the leader of this group) and other ministers are ministering in three prisons in the state of Aguascalientes and in the largest prison in the state of Zacatecas.

Now Brother Andy has meetings in his home for a group called "Vencedores", which is a Christian twelve step group for drug addicts, alcoholics, and their families. Also, Brother Andy is a member of the Aguascalientes Evangelical Ministerial Alliance.

Thanks to the Lord, Brother Andy has seen many prisoners come to the Lord Jesus Christ through his ministry to the prisoners in Latin America. However, he does not consider himself a "lone ranger", but a co-laborer with Latin Americans, reaching the prisoners in Latin America for Christ.

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Página de Web también en español

Test to see if you are good enough to go to Heaven when you die

Pictures of FCF Missionaries (Brother Andy's picture is the second one under Mexico)

Tenets of Faith


Member of The International Network of Prison Ministries

Andy Weaver FCF International
APDO 136-1 PO Box 35443
20000 Aguascalientes, AGS, MEXICO Tulsa, OK 74153-0443
Tel. (from U.S.): (011-52) 449-918-5560 Tel.: (918) 492-5800
Fax (from U.S.): (011-52) 449-913-5598 Fax: (918) 492-6140
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