Controversial Topics
The purpose of this page, which is still under construction, is to bring topics, which usually bring out some hostility from people, into the light. Think of this as more of a page with ideas that make great discussion topics, assuming of course that whomever you decide to discuss these topics with is willing to keep an open mind (and ear), and be willing to keep things on a civil level...
With that in mind, this is how this page will work, I will have a few topics already listed, along with some arguments about said topics (this does not mean that whatever arguments I list are the only ones you can use, I can't possibly list all arguments for any topic without writing a book). I will also be listing other topics presented by other people (you will get credit for the topic), however, if you want to offer a topic there are some guidelines.
1. All topics must be discussion worthy (I decide what is and isn't. It's my page, deal with it. *Grin*)
2. As this is a pagan web site, all topics are to be pagan oriented, not necessarily directly related to paganism. (In other words, religious freedom topics are good even if they don't deal with paganism, however Clinton's scandal thing isn't.)
3. No topics which will cause massive relations problems will be listed (So no topics on why all Christians suck, or why all Wiccans seem to be mating in the weeds all the time is acceptable.)
4. If you want a topic posted, email me it, and include not only the topic, but also the arguments as well, as I said, whomever offers up a topic will get full credit for it. However without any arguments it's worthless (the purpose of giving arguments towards a topic is to give people who want to discuss them a platform to start from should they need one).
That's it for now, expect the first topics to be listed about the beginning of October, with weekly updates. If I start getting alot of topics, I'll create an archive of topics that are two weeks and older.
Home Page
(all about me)
Pagan/Wiccan FAQ page 1
(Definitions, Terms, Warnings, Disclaimers, etc.)
Pagan/Wiccan FAQ page 2
(Magic Color Scales, House Cleansing, Quarter Calling, Circle Casting)
Pagan/Wiccan FAQ page 3
(Bodily Cleansing Ritual, Protection Pouch Ritual)
Pagan/Wiccan FAQ page 4
(3 Methods of Astral Traveling)
Generalized Religious page
(The "Yes, we CAN all get along and here's why" page)
If you want to contact me, I can be reached
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