Generalized Religious
Religions are interesting things, there are many of them, and the diversity within them is profound unto itself. The problem is we cannot seem to get past the differences between the religions, the arguments and hostility that arise from these differences seem impossible to overcome.
Now it would be very easy to say that if we all believed the same thing there would be no problems, unfortunately that's not quite possible. Religions are too diverse in order for that to be accomplished.
So how can various religions get along while still maintaining their diversity?
The truth is, is that there are two aspects of a religion, you have the private, personal ideas of a religion, and then the social aspects. The personal ideas are for example in Christianity, an individual believes in God and Jesus who died for our sins, these are personal beliefs, they don't actually affect the world in general, just the individual. The social beliefs are different, they actually do affect society, or just someone who should interact with said individual, for example in Wicca, the Rede states:
"And It Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
This is a social law, it affects other people, in Christianity you have the Golden Rule:
"Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You"
Now the wording of these two statements is different, but the end meaning is identitical in concept. This in itself is the key point, the personal aspects are just that, personal, my beliefs may vary from yours but they're my beliefs, I don't actually have to share them with you because they are unimportant to you in life. Personal aspects of a religion in a social context are irrelevent, they don't mean anything because the truth is that a personal aspect of a religion has no effect on anyone else, unless people choose to allow it to affect them. As a result it is not really a challenge, but rather they are challenging themselves and drawing someone else in the midst of it, which isn't exactly fair, but they do it anyway.
So why do people allow it to affect them?
There are different reasons as to why, here is just one of them, but I feel it's one worth mentioning in detail. It's a bit of egocentrism, we have our beliefs, and when someone else states what they believe on a personal level, we take that as a challenge to ours, that's not necessarily what's actually happening, but we do it anyway. As a result we attack them, with the intent of proving our own beliefs right, not necessarily to them, but more to ourselves, this is a lack of faith in my opinion, and again it's not exactly fair, but we do it anyways.
Now if we look at the important aspects of a religion, which are not the personal aspects but rather the social aspects, we find that even though there is the diversity amoung the religions exist the basis (concept) for the social laws within the religions are similiar if not identical, with the differences being in the wording. We have to remember that irregardless of the wording it's the concept behind a social law or principle that is important. That the social laws are almost identical amoung the various religions, and you look at just those, which are in fact the only thing that does effect each and every individual, then there is no difference between the religions. Now obviously that is not a completely true statement, you cannot say that all of the religions are the same because there are obvious differences between them, but not on the social level. So having stated that, and understanding that the social laws amoung the religions are the same, therefore we are arguing and attacking each other for believing in the same thing. Common sense will tell you that this makes no sense, that it's irrelevent and childish. You don't attack someone who's agreeing with you, it's just a silly thing to do. So if people would just accept the fact that personal beliefs are personal and they don't apply to anyone else but the person themself, and that it is the social laws that this person follows that is of importance, and then realize that there social laws are in fact similiar if not identical (again in concept) to that persons social laws, then it becomes fairly obvious that arguing becomes unnecessary in regards to social aspects of religion.
Now let's look at those social aspects of two main religions, and the reason I'm using Wicca and Christianity is because these are two of the largest 'contendors' if you will. Now I've already stated what the Wiccan Rede says, as well as the Christian Golden Rule, so with those in mind, doesn't it seem logical to conclude that by attacking someone elses beliefs we are in fact disregarding our own beliefs? And in doing so discrediting our own beliefs? So not only do we need to remember that our social laws are the same but what those laws are. And we need to follow them, STRICTLY, as we say we do. In other words, practice what you preach.
Now into regards as to how these arguments occur...
More often that not they begin by someone asking someone else what it is they believe. Now in regards to Pagans, we need to remember that ethically speaking asking what someone else believes is considered unethical, you do not have the right to ask personal information of another. Even society holds that it is rather impolite to do so anyways, even in a non-religious manner. But let's set that aside for just a second, and assuming that the person being asked decides to answer. That person has two choices, they can relay their social beliefs, which are the only things that matter to that other person, they are the only things that apply to that other person (as I've already proven). But should they go with the other choice which would be to relay their person beliefs, you have to realize, their person beliefs are apart of that person, it shows an insight as to who they are. So it's really an honor and a privledge to have that other person share their person beliefs with you. It's a trust, and that trust is broken should you lash at them for having shared their personal beliefs (including what those beliefs are), I feel it's even worse when someone not apart of the conversation interrupts by lashing out at that person, for they are also being rude for intruding.
If you disagree with someone's beliefs, that's fine, but that doens't make you anymore right in your beliefs, or wrong. It simply shows a difference, and it certainly doesn't give you justification for attacking them. Remember that it is that diversity that gives us the multitude of cultures we enjoy, the multitude of methods (for completing any task), arts, music, and everything else that we claim to really enjoy from those cultures comes from that diversity. However when we lash out at that diversity, we show our own shortcomings and shortmindedness in doing so.
Now we have all sorts of cute little sayings that we like to use, 'to each their own', and 'all paths lead to enlightenment'. We need to remember that aside from being fun to say, what it is that these sayings mean. Plus, if we are going to say them, we need to mean what we say, and say what we mean. So if that's not what you mean to say, don't bother saying it, because again you only disregard and discredit your beliefs, you make a mockery of your beliefs in doing so.
So finally in conclusion, let's remember, what our social beliefs really mean. That it is the social beliefs that are important, and personal beliefs in a social context are irrelevant, and should someone decide to share those personal beliefs with someone else, it is a priveledge, and a trust is formed. That the social laws the various religions carry are similiar if not identical in concept, and only differ in wording. And that the diversity that these different belief systems create gives us much of the culture we so much enjoy.
Now if I have insulted anyone at this point, you have my sincere apologies. But ask yourself why you are insulted, maybe sit back and take stock. I haven't said anything new here, it's always been this way, maybe this is just the first time it's be presented in such a manner. Just the same, with everything I have stated here, it's fairly obvious, at least to me, that yes we CAN all get along, and I've shown you why.
If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact me.
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