Pagan/Wiccan FAQ
Page 4
Astral Travel Methods:
For starters, astral travel is extremely energy consuming, so be sure you are well rested, it also requires a high level of concentration and total focus so it's best to meditate prior to trying, cleansing is also a good idea. These methods are tried and true, mixing various traditions some more so than others. Now as the title says, these are designed to project the spirit onto the Astral Plain, but they can be used to project to any other plain as well, including the Earth Plain. Alteration of these methods may be necessary in order for certain people to be able to perform them, personalization is perfectly alright.
Method 1:
Assuming you have prepared yourself... prepare one silver candle (for protection), music is optional as is casting a circle (the latter never hurts, but in this ritual it isn't necessary, in others it is). Ground and center, create a shield around you, and assume a comfortable position (i.e. sitting in a chair, lying down, lotus position). Now allow yourself to drift inward, allowing the outer world to fade. Upon becoming totally seperated from the outer world, open a door (visualize) to the Astral Plain by creating a doorway through your mind. Open the door and step through (note: do not close the door upon entering without marking it in some way, but do not leave it open either). Having marked (use a symbol such as your astrological sign, or something you feel personally connected with) and closed the door, you are now free to travel as you please (almost). This method is only a partial transfer, only a part of the spirit enters the Astral Plain (you created the gateway through the mind, so part is on one side of the door, through the door to the part that remains on the other side, sounds confusing I know, try it and you'll understand what I mean). As it is only partial, should the need arise for you to return to the body, a rubberband effect will occur, this also provides limits as to where and how far you can move from the body (good for beginners).
Method 2:
Similar to Method 1 except for method of projection and the entire spirit leaves (dangerous and difficult so don't try this first). In this you will need not only the silver candle, but also a white one as well (guiding light). This ritual requires the casting of a circle as the spirit will be totally free of the body, leaving it vulnerable. Now draw your energy away from the confines of the body, allowing it to drift from and away of the body (usually done by pulling all of the spirit into a ball not unlike Centering and allowing said ball to float upward). As soon as all of the connections are severed and the spirit is a decent distance away (5-6 feet) you can open a doorway into the Astral Plain and go through (when free of the body, the spirit is more aware of it's surroundings and is capable of finding doorways easily, they're everywhere so it's not hard to find), or you can go into any other plain including simply remaining on the Earth Plain (the first time you try this, it's a good idea to remain on the Earth Plain). Be sure the white candle won't go out while you are away, make sure there is no breeze and use a tapered candle so it won't extinguish itself. Return to the body when you feel the need to.
Method 3:
Totally unlike the other two methods, this method follows a Native American (Shamanic) tradition by using the totem animal (usually a bird or fast moving animal) to carry all of the spirit away (candles, circle, and music are all optional). Incense is also an option, be sure to use a natural scent such as sage or thyme, and if you use music; drums work the best. This is best performed in a sweat lodge environment, but that's usually rather difficult to come by so don't worry about it if you can't. Assume a comfortable position, and upon a relaxed state, seek out your specific animal's nature within yourself. Allow it to become part of your conciousness. Now connect with the animal on the Earth Plain (Totem spirits are interconnected with the physical animal as they are interconnected with you, so follow your instincts and you will find it) Upon finding the animal, meld with it, allowing it's thoughts, feelings, and perceptions to mingle with yours. Your spirit will reshape itself into their form and once fully formed will seperate from the animal leaving you free to travel (but only in the animal form), and as before you may open a doorway onto the other plains, or remain on the Earth Plain. Upon completion of traveling, return to the body (instincts will lead you there). The spirit will reform itself again back to it's former shape.
Some Cautions:
As I said before, this is a very tiring task, also, with the spirit being vacant from the body, don't be surprised by the inability to move immediatly upon returning to the body, paralysis is normal (but extremely uncomfortable and it's easy to panic if you aren't prepared for it). Also many travelers will take their Athame along with them for protection, be sure the Athame is fully bonded to you first otherwise it's useless (this is not possible in Method 3, as a result a predator is usually the best choice, or at least something that can move quickly). Now these methods are for beginners, as time goes by and you have practiced and traveled enough, it becomes easier to travel, to the point where no preparation is needed and it can be accomplished within seconds. The first few times traveling can be a little unnerving if not tramatic so take it easy at first. Relaxation is the key, try too hard and you will fail.
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