The Shadow Dragon Pages

The following pages are a collection of information varying from basic information on pagan (Goddess/Earth Based) religions to specific rituals and views of myself and other people who follow similiar spiritual paths.  Keep in mind that no two people follow the same path, every person must find their own way.  All of us walk alone in the end.  

Some of what is presented is from specific traditions, such as Wicca, Native American Shamanism, Buddhism, etc...  Some information is directly from my tradition, some isn't.  The reason for this is simple, what I believe may not be what you believe, therefore it is best to bring a wide range of views to light as this is for your benefit, not mine.  

Not all of the information is for beginners, and please keep in mind that most of what is presented is incorporated into a religion, so it's not something I nor the contributors to these pages take lightly.  What you do with the information is up to you, if it helps you in any way, be it a step forward on your own path or perhaps simply clearing up some confusion over a term, then these pages have served their purpose.

One last note.... No spiritual journey can begin part-way, as the term implies, journey is a movement from one point to another, or from one state of being to another.  You must have a starting point in order to set out upon a journey.  If your intent is to set forth on your spiritual journey, then you must first find that beginning point.  That point is within yourself, you need to have a grasp on who you are.  For without knowing who you are, you cannot know in what direction you should go.  Keep that in mind as you read further...

Please Note: Some of the pages are currently under construction, I apologize for this but the server they were located on no longer exists. Thank you.

Pagan/Wiccan FAQ page 1
(Definitions, Terms, Warnings, Disclaimers, etc.)UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Pagan/Wiccan FAQ page 2
(Magic Color Scales, House Cleansing, Quarter Calling, Circle Casting) UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Pagan/Wiccan FAQ page 3

(Bodily Cleansing Ritual, Protection Pouch Ritual)

Pagan/Wiccan FAQ page 4

(3 Methods of Astral Traveling)

Generalized Religious page

(The "Yes, we CAN all get along and here's why" page)

Controversial Topics

(Pagan topics that make for great discussions)

If you want to contact me, I can be reached 

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