NChantrss poems through here:
In the Darkness
Only Time will tell
Matter of Time
Nothing but a Dream
Sweet Silver Laced Lies new!
And here are some poems that are Pagan in nature.... I dont know who wrote them but I got them from my sis, Sanicks.... maybe she knows :) To She of Many Names The poets and bards of old have sung The Mothers praises in many a tounge Druid or Priest, Egyptia, Roman, and Celt Her power, beauty and terror often had felt. What can we know in this day and time For a modern like me to commit to rhyme? The Muse demands - she MUST be heard As Graves has shown in near 500 words Systems of old acknowledge the Mother With myraid names: Isis, Hera, Mary, and others Our world struggles now to vanquish the hold of patriarchal dominion, remaining from old. Life can be heard, though it is also sweet; A Mothers love heals, forms a blessed retreat. Pain needs a Mother, her strength and her love. The greatest grace is one Earhtly, the other above. Some poor rhymes, call them doggerel or worse To praise the Great Mother, Creatrix of the Universe. Nature's Teachers The Air will teach you how to smell, The Moon will teach you her mystic tale, The Fire will teach you how to see, The Sun will teach you what you must be The Water will teach you how to feel The Gods will teach you how to heal The Earth will teach you how to hear The Godesses will teach you to be a seer, The Equinoxes will teach you the law of balances The Crystals will teach you wisdoms allowances The Solstices will teach you about death's rebirth The Plants will teach you every leaves worth, The Full Moons wil lteach you about sacred fertility, The Metals will teach you of the magnetic energy The New Moons will teach you of the magic cycle's cleft, And the Animals will teach you all thats left. Strength and Understanding Goddess ofthe Moon, Waters and Earth God of the Forest and Mountains Old Ones Infinite Wisdom Teach me to understand Lend me the strength to overcome My Anger, My Pain, My frustrations Quench my fires with Your Love and Patience.Go Back to Shadows, Dreams & Magick
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for things we did not do that is inconsolable.