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So you want to know about me do ya?

Well lets see what can I tell you about little ole me.

I am originally from a small town in Oregon called Corvallis, its about 12 miles from Albany.... which is two hours away from Portland (I know like you needed that much info right?) I currently live in what I fondly refer to as the toilet bowl of the good ole USA: Las Vegas, NV. This local is not my home, although it might as well be with all the luck I have had escaping this damn place... I have been a Witch/Wiccan for close to 12 years. I got involved in "witchcraft" when I was 14 years old. When I turned 21, I officaly started terming myself as Wiccan.

Ok, I give heres what you really want to know: I am approxiamlty 5'8", red hair, blue eyes, told that Im cute. I am typically a very straight foward and honest person. I have two wonderful children. My oldest boy is now 6 his name is David. My youngest is named Christofer and he is 11 1/2 months old. They mean everything to me.

My hobbys are many. Some of them are as follows: reading, role playing games, many outdoors activitys, watch movies, computers, more computers, and more computers! If you get me near a large body of water (like the ocean or a lake) I'll be supremely happy... (makes me wander what the heck I'm doing in the middle of the desert) I am a romantic at heart.... Some of my closest friends say I am very gothic... but to each their own. I guess you could say I have my dark and morbid times, lately they have been occuring more and more. Things are very hectic in my life right now but I thrive on the stress. David is about to graduate kindergarden and he is just as excited as I am. Christofer is walking and starting to talk. They are both absolutely the light of my life.

If youd like to speak to me please feel free to email me at: or you can seek me on any server and come visit the #wicca or #wicca_circle channels as that is where I can normally be found....

  • Pictures of me...

  • Pictures of my boys

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    "Tis one thing to be tempted, another to fall" William Shakespeare (Measure for Measure 2.1)