We all need to laugh on occasion....
The following is not meant to be taken serious..... Some of them
are correct in an off beat sort of way..... they are only ment to
bring smiles and laughter into your veiwing experience. Please
A Glossary of Pagan Terminology:
Athame: Sacred knife, rhymes with "yo mommy".
Circle: Any closed geometric shape with a boundary consisting of
humans. Occasionally round.
Sacred Space: Place where a ritual is held.
Consecrated: Person or thing that was present at a ritual.
Ritual: Event at which one or more people are present, pagan
topics are mentioned and food and drink are consumed.
Party: Like a ritual, expect a party starts at a designated time.
Working: a Ritual with a purpose.
Raise Energy: Pay Attention.
Ground: Calm Down.
Trance: Day Dream.
Tracework: Lucid Daydream.
Great Rite: Getting Laid
Handfasting: a ritual performed prior to getting laid
Elder: helped make all this up.
Pagan: Worshipper of pre-monotheist forms of divinity
Heathen: like a Pagan, but with more rude songs.
NeoPagan: Monotheist who has recanted.
Ecofeminist: Monotheist who believes in a Goddess instead of a
God, ecology instead of repenting, and empowerment instead of
salvation. Righteousness remains the same.
Goddess Worship: Momotheism
New Age: Worshipper of only nice things.
Preist/ess: The one with all the jewelry and fancy clothes.
Coven: Me and my pagan friends.
Pagan Community: Everyone on ym pagan friends mailing lists.
Mainstream: Everyone who is not on a pagan mailing list.
Solitary: Is on the mailing lists but throws most of the flyers away.
TechnoPagan: Owns a computer
CyberPagan: Ownsa computer with a modem
Wiccan: Pagan fond of Celtic music, and ale.
Norse: Pagan fond of Wagnerian music, and mead.
Strega: Pagan fond of Verdi and valpolicella.
Hellenic: Pagan fond of ouds and ouzo
Vodoun: Pagan fond of reggae and rum
Santra: Pagan fond of tejana and tequila
Huna: Pagan fond of slack key and okolehau.
Monster Truck Pagan: Turn it up and pass the bottle.
The Monster Truck Pagan Guide To Computer Terminology
Hard Drive: Trying to climb a steep, muddy hill with three flat tires
while hauling a load of fertilizer.
Keyboard: Place to hang yore truck keys.
Window:Place in the truck to hang yore guns.
Modem: how you got rid of yore dandelions
ROM: Delicious when mixed with Co'Cola
Byte: First word in a kiss-off phrase
Network: Activity meant to provide bait for yore troutline.
Mouse: Fuzzy, soft thing you stuff in yore beer bottle in order to
get a free case.
LAN: To borrow, as in:Hey Dalbert!LAN me yore truck!"
Cursor: What some guys do when they are mad at their wife
and/or girlfriend.
Bit: A wager, as in "I bit you cain't spit that watermelon seed
across the porch longways"
Digital Control: What yore fingers do to the tv remote
Packet: What you do to a suitcase or a Wal-Mart bag before a
Thanks to you Sharon and Vlad for this break in our regular programming......
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