09/27/00 08:03:49
Name: Jason... You know who :) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: The one we "met" on... ;) | What religion are you?: Eclectic is an easier way to describe it... | What did you think of this page?: I Like! |
What should we add?: BBQ Sauce | What should we change?: hehe... more pics of you & the boys... |
(Lick) (Disappears) :p
09/09/00 05:32:29
Name: Bob Walker | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: hotmail | What religion are you?: none | What did you think of this page?: No mommy, I won't |
What should we add?: Ideas Of Chaos | What should we change?: Nonething |
Light not Dark ....
08/24/00 04:12:10
Name: Shelly Taylor | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What religion are you?: new to WICCA | What did you think of this page?: informative | What should we add?: nothing - it's your page it's as it should be |
What should we change?: see above |
I would love to have a teacher/mentor to assist me in the proper direction and avoid false information that might distract me and waste my time. Do you have any suggestions?
07/05/00 00:02:38
Name: SuperF|Y | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: Mine | What religion are you?: Wiccan | What did you think of this page?: GREAT |
What should we add?: NOTHING AT ALL! | What should we change?: NOTHING |
I truely like this page the most next to mine...hehehehe
06/27/00 22:51:08
Name: DC | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: yours!!hehehe | What religion are you?: none | What did you think of this page?: Loved it |
What should we add?: Vampyres??? | What should we change?: Nekkid pics??? |
Very good job...I am totally impressed!
06/24/00 21:52:16
Name: SkyWatcher | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: errr Mine! | What religion are you?: Wiccan | What did you think of this page?: Yay! |
What should we add?: a nicer URL = get away from Geocities | What should we change?: see above |
Nice site NCHantress, keep it up!
Yours with Bright Blessings,
06/13/00 02:38:50
Name: Medea | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: Witch's Voice | What religion are you?: Wicca | What did you think of this page?: well done! |
What should we change?: up to you! |
Merry Meet -
I particularly liked your defining the Goddess section.
05/28/00 08:04:16
Name: JonMykkal | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: www.trog.org/~jesus | What religion are you?: Taoist | What did you think of this page?: Wonderful |
What should we add?: More pics ;P |
Heyo, sorry about not signing earlier. :P I'm forgetful yaknow.
05/27/00 06:18:26
Name: DeAdPo0|_ | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: THIS ONE! | What religion are you?: Christian | What did you think of this page?: fuckin' groovy baby! |
What should we add?: more hot pics of you! | What should we change?: nadda damn thing! |
I like your poetry, it's not THAT morbid!
Well, maybe a lil', but hey .... look what
it did for E. Poe!
05/27/00 06:15:17
Name: eremon mcnori | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What religion are you?: i like apple pie |
What did you think of this page?: it's bookmarked |
05/27/00 06:12:51
Name: Belous | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What religion are you?: wiccan |
What did you think of this page?: it rox! |
Nice site NC :) PS: yer a hottie =p
05/27/00 06:12:31
Name: Jen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
What religion are you?: none | What did you think of this page?: loved it | What should we add?: nothing |
What should we change?: nothing |
Ok, here I am signing your're book. It's really a great site!!
05/09/00 22:19:42
Name: Leah ;) | My Email: Email Me | Your Favorite Website: This one cause its mine LOL |
What religion are you?: Wiccan | What did you think of this page?: Its wonderful | What should we add?: I thinkthe next thing will be a B.O.S. |
What should we change?: correct your errors woman |
Was just testing the site out folks looking for errors etc. ;)
03/13/00 02:27:15
Name: nova (pipper200) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: yours and www.wicca.com | What religion are you?: wicca | What did you think of this page?: cool realy cool |
What should we add?: book of shadows | What should we change?: nothing |
i fyou put a book of shadows on here inform me please so i can give u a good one,
03/09/00 19:51:07
Name: Connor | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: www.hsuyun.org | What religion are you?: Ch'an Buddhist | What did you think of this page?: Very well done |
What should we add?: Some Rune poems would be very much in the Leah style. | What should we change?: Its a good page, more pictures of Leah and the family are always good, more of what you have been up to. |
Miss you Leah! Thinking good thoughts about you! Take care of yourself and those 2 boys.
11/28/99 04:09:22
Name: James | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: witch vox | What religion are you?: wicca | What did you think of this page?: don't know |
What should we add?: don't know | What should we change?: don't know |
don't know
09/29/99 03:09:10
Name: Will Nagel | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: Too many to list | What religion are you?: Norse wicca | What did you think of this page?: It is good |
What should we add?: You can never to much info |
I am a solitary Practitioner, and I aprreciated deeply all information that I come accross. For the main reason, there is no coven or group near where I live. I know very few wiccians to talk to in order for me to grow spiritially.
I also, think your website is very good.
05/14/99 19:01:51
Name: Ramsey Greyoak (Vulcan609) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: Witches Voice | What religion are you?: Alexandrian Wicca | What did you think of this page?: Straight forward and interesting |
What should we add?: Whatever your heart desires! |
04/18/99 03:17:58
Name: Poltergeist | My URL: Visit Me | Your Favorite Website: WWW.Nunyabusiness.com |
What religion are you?: Ecclectic pagan | What did you think of this page?: Love It! | What should we add?: hmmm Nekkid Pictures j/k |
What should we change?: Clothes??? |
bitchin I likes alot!
03/18/99 15:43:28
Name: ARTIE | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Your Favorite Website: HECATE |
What religion are you?: ECLECTIC | What did you think of this page?: LIKED IT |
03/08/99 18:25:11
Name: Nancy Ehlschlaeger | My URL: Visit Me |
What religion are you?: None | What did you think of this page?: Neat |
10/26/98 10:39:16
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
10/04/98 10:14:03
Name: Starfeather | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Your Favorite Website: Toooo many |
What religion are you?: Wiccan | What did you think of this page?: Excellent |
I really like the straight-forward approach
that the site was written in. It does no good to confuse people who know nothing of Wicca with doubletalk and ''secret witch language". It's a big endevour to make a site about Wicca. I applaud you for wanting to do so, and for making the site approacha
10/01/98 16:06:42
Name: Vanyel Ashkevron | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Website: Gothic.net | What religion are you?: Wiccapagangothicpunk | What did you think of this page?: I loved it... *Grin* |
What should we add?: Uhm, some cream and sugar please... | What should we change?: Nuttin... *Smile* |
Heyla Sunshine, just dropped in while surfing the aether, and saw the new background and the pics in your bio page... Very nice. Miss you. -=Vanyel=-