Thank you for visiting Shadows, Dreams & Magick. Here is our Guestbook for your viewing enjoyment!

09/27/00 08:03:49
Name: Jason... You know who :) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: The one we "met" on... ;) What religion are you?: Eclectic is an easier way to describe it... What did you think of this page?: I Like!
What should we add?: BBQ Sauce What should we change?: hehe... more pics of you & the boys...

(Lick) (Disappears) :p

09/09/00 05:32:29
Name: Bob Walker My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: hotmail What religion are you?: none What did you think of this page?: No mommy, I won't
What should we add?: Ideas Of Chaos What should we change?: Nonething

Light not Dark .... Hair!!!!

08/24/00 04:12:10
Name: Shelly Taylor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
What religion are you?: new to WICCA What did you think of this page?: informative What should we add?: nothing - it's your page it's as it should be
What should we change?: see above

I would love to have a teacher/mentor to assist me in the proper direction and avoid false information that might distract me and waste my time. Do you have any suggestions?

07/05/00 00:02:38
Name: SuperF|Y My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: Mine What religion are you?: Wiccan What did you think of this page?: GREAT
What should we add?: NOTHING AT ALL! What should we change?: NOTHING

I truely like this page the most next to mine...hehehehe

06/27/00 22:51:08
Name: DC My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: yours!!hehehe What religion are you?: none What did you think of this page?: Loved it
What should we add?: Vampyres??? What should we change?: Nekkid pics???

Very good job...I am totally impressed!

06/24/00 21:52:16
Name: SkyWatcher My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: errr Mine! What religion are you?: Wiccan What did you think of this page?: Yay!
What should we add?: a nicer URL = get away from Geocities What should we change?: see above

Nice site NCHantress, keep it up! Yours with Bright Blessings, SkyWatcher

06/13/00 02:38:50
Name: Medea My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: Witch's Voice What religion are you?: Wicca What did you think of this page?: well done!
What should we change?: up to you!

Merry Meet - I particularly liked your defining the Goddess section.

05/28/00 08:04:16
Name: JonMykkal My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: What religion are you?: Taoist What did you think of this page?: Wonderful
What should we add?: More pics ;P

Heyo, sorry about not signing earlier. :P I'm forgetful yaknow.

05/27/00 06:18:26
Name: DeAdPo0|_ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: THIS ONE! What religion are you?: Christian What did you think of this page?: fuckin' groovy baby!
What should we add?: more hot pics of you! What should we change?: nadda damn thing!

I like your poetry, it's not THAT morbid! Well, maybe a lil', but hey .... look what it did for E. Poe!

05/27/00 06:15:17
Name: eremon mcnori My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What religion are you?: i like apple pie
What did you think of this page?: it's bookmarked


05/27/00 06:12:51
Name: Belous My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What religion are you?: wiccan
What did you think of this page?: it rox!

Nice site NC :) PS: yer a hottie =p

05/27/00 06:12:31
Name: Jen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
What religion are you?: none What did you think of this page?: loved it What should we add?: nothing
What should we change?: nothing

Ok, here I am signing your're book. It's really a great site!!

05/09/00 22:19:42
Name: Leah ;) My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Website: This one cause its mine LOL
What religion are you?: Wiccan What did you think of this page?: Its wonderful What should we add?: I thinkthe next thing will be a B.O.S.
What should we change?: correct your errors woman

Was just testing the site out folks looking for errors etc. ;)

03/13/00 02:27:15
Name: nova (pipper200) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: yours and What religion are you?: wicca What did you think of this page?: cool realy cool
What should we add?: book of shadows What should we change?: nothing

i fyou put a book of shadows on here inform me please so i can give u a good one,

03/09/00 19:51:07
Name: Connor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: What religion are you?: Ch'an Buddhist What did you think of this page?: Very well done
What should we add?: Some Rune poems would be very much in the Leah style. What should we change?: Its a good page, more pictures of Leah and the family are always good, more of what you have been up to.

Miss you Leah! Thinking good thoughts about you! Take care of yourself and those 2 boys.

11/28/99 04:09:22
Name: James My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: witch vox What religion are you?: wicca What did you think of this page?: don't know
What should we add?: don't know What should we change?: don't know

don't know

09/29/99 03:09:10
Name: Will Nagel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: Too many to list What religion are you?: Norse wicca What did you think of this page?: It is good
What should we add?: You can never to much info

I am a solitary Practitioner, and I aprreciated deeply all information that I come accross. For the main reason, there is no coven or group near where I live. I know very few wiccians to talk to in order for me to grow spiritially. I also, think your website is very good.

05/14/99 19:01:51
Name: Ramsey Greyoak (Vulcan609) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: Witches Voice What religion are you?: Alexandrian Wicca What did you think of this page?: Straight forward and interesting
What should we add?: Whatever your heart desires!


04/18/99 03:17:58
Name: Poltergeist My URL: Visit Me Your Favorite Website:
What religion are you?: Ecclectic pagan What did you think of this page?: Love It! What should we add?: hmmm Nekkid Pictures j/k
What should we change?: Clothes???

bitchin I likes alot!

03/18/99 15:43:28
Name: ARTIE My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Website: HECATE
What religion are you?: ECLECTIC What did you think of this page?: LIKED IT


03/08/99 18:25:11
Name: Nancy Ehlschlaeger My URL: Visit Me
What religion are you?: None What did you think of this page?: Neat


10/26/98 10:39:16
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

10/04/98 10:14:03
Name: Starfeather My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Website: Toooo many
What religion are you?: Wiccan What did you think of this page?: Excellent

I really like the straight-forward approach that the site was written in. It does no good to confuse people who know nothing of Wicca with doubletalk and ''secret witch language". It's a big endevour to make a site about Wicca. I applaud you for wanting to do so, and for making the site approacha le.

10/01/98 16:06:42
Name: Vanyel Ashkevron My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Website: What religion are you?: Wiccapagangothicpunk What did you think of this page?: I loved it... *Grin*
What should we add?: Uhm, some cream and sugar please... What should we change?: Nuttin... *Smile*

Heyla Sunshine, just dropped in while surfing the aether, and saw the new background and the pics in your bio page... Very nice. Miss you. -=Vanyel=-

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