The Elements play an important role in the Wicca religion. Each Element correspond's to a direction. Elements are used in a variety of ways. The most common being called in as quadrant protectors when casting a circle and performing a ritual.
East's element is Air. Color's most often associated with this direction and element are: yellow's, whites, pale pinks, and pale blues. Animals associated to this pair are: birds, faerys, pegasus's, anything that has wings or cavorts in the air, or is light of thought. Air is also strongly related to the planets Mercury and Jupiter. The element of Air is also a representation of clairty of thought, imagination, the Sunrise, and flight just to name a few.
South's element is Fire. Color's most often associated with this direction and element are: bright yellows, amburs, oranges and reds. The animals that I have seen most commonly used for this pair are: dragons, eagles, lions, phoenix's, hawks, or anything that is proud of being and has very strong emotions. The element of fire is also strongly related to the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter. Fire is a repesentation of our human passions such as lust and anger.
West's element is Water. Colors most often associated with this direction and element are: teals, greens, deep blues, and indigos. Animals that are associated to this elemant and direction are: dolphins, merfolk, whales, doves, and anyhing that is defined as haveing a nurturing nature. The planets that Water is related to are: The Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. Water is often a representation of healing, nuturing, and the softer emotions such as love.
North's element is Earth. Colors most often associated with this pair are: greens, browns and blacks. Animals that are associated with this paticular element are: Unicorns, gnomes, bears, wolves and snakes to name a few. Venus, and Saturn are the planets related to Earth. Earth is commonly a representation of strength, the ability to endure anything, and secrets.
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