DISCLAIMER: Any views or opinions expressed on this page are those of the author and not the society. Any offence caused by wording or terminology is by no means intended. |
is the Brittle Bone Association?
OI links around the world.
Well I'm still in Christchurch, still working for the Christchurch Mail, which is still part of the Christchurch Press.
What is the Brittle Bone Association?
The Brittle Bone Association is a support group aimed at providing support and help for people affected by Osteogenesis Imperfecta or Brittle Bone Disease. Affecting approximately one in 40,000 it can be difficult to find a medical expert who has seen a case not in a text book. The organisation has no funding except from fund raising and the small subscriptions collected each year from its members. Meeting every second year, alternating between the north island and south island, the group provides a good environment for families to swap notes and experiences with each other.
The age of members varies widely and this means that life experiences range from starting primary or secondary school, to the requirements for care in later life. The association has 250 people on our mailing list consisting of doctors, parents, grandparents etc with about 50 active members attending AGMs each year, 20 of those with the disability. I hope this page will be of use to you.
Other OI links from around the world
The links here I found by using a search engine so if you want more info I suggest that is the way to go. Some of these links have further links to more information so try out each one. There is a little bug fixing I need to do but they should all work. The medical links give clinical information in easy to understand language, the non medical links provide support from other groups and organisations.
Non Medical Links
This page is maintained by Peter Douglas.