Quote of the Week
Week one: "Learn not to speak unless you can improve on the silence." - anon
Week two: "There's no traffic jam on the extra mile." - anon
Week three: "Heard of skinfree chicken? Be a sinfree christian by walking in the spirit" - Nathan Howard
Week four (I think?!): "Having trouble sleeping? Don't count sheep, talk to the shepherd!" - anon
Week five: "The test of a man's character is in what it takes to stop him." - Andre Van Zeel
Week six: "We should be Hyundai Praisers: All dai, every dai!" - Wade Stiller
Week seven: "If you are not living a life of praise and worship, then you are faking it! (Think about it!)" - Charlotte Jooste
Week eight: "In worship, I would rather my heart be without words, than my words be without heart." - LaMar Boschmann
Week nine: "Worship is what worshippers do for a living." - LaMar Boschmann
Week ten: "Wise men still worship Jesus at Christmas." - anon
Week Eleven: "Oh Lord, what love is this that paid so dearly, and I, the guilty one, may go free? - Jesus died for my sins!" - Graham Kendrick
Week Twelve: "Prayer is the work... Ministry is the reward"
Week Thirteen: "Here's a definition of worship by Bruce Leafblad (Professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) "Worship is communion with God in
which believers by grace center the minds attention and their hearts affection on the Lord, humbly glorifying Him in response to His greatness and His Word."
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