Nathan's Page of Links

Worship Links

Praise Net Worship Resources
Kent Henry
Billy Funk - great guy to talk to. Send him some email!
Psalmody International - Run by Tom Inglis
The worship leader home page - run by Kelly Sparks

Links to Friends

(Well actually some of the above are my friends too!)
Jeff Brodsky - a messianic jew with heaps of enthusiasm for kids!
Reach Out For Christ Westside Church - the BEST church in the world! ( I'm biased)

Other Useful links

Missionaries - A great reference tool for missionaries who have to negotiate several countries in their travels (has phone numbers and weather and maps etc)
Goshen Search Engine
Link to CCLI's web site:
CCLI - Christian
                          Copyright Licensing International
Hills Christian Life Centre
Zillions of christian links
The Webring of Worship home page
A terrific bible search engine

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