Spirit Eagle, Hummingbird Song
soar aloft, having found, at last, my spirit wings,
my soul set free to know and love my eagle
Golden eagle, heart joined to Great Spirit
by fire of pain, by anguish, created anew in
Bird who flies to heaven with unmatched
yet is the tender, loving mother bearing
aloft on gentle wings to learn their glory
for themselves.
The ferocity which more land-bound souls
is only that meant to protect, to defend, to
I am spirit eagle, soul of majesty and glory,
born by design to reflect the beauty of Great
Loving Spirit.
dart, invisibly winged, from stalk to deep-throated flower,
hovering to delight the unsuspecting who
glimpse me there;
for I am Anna's hummingbird, dark teal around
with head
and throat of fiery, glorious magenta,
glistening in the sun.
Yet, pause along the sunny mountain trail, be
I am only hummingbird that sings, trilling
out a gentle air,
a melody of love with earth and sky no other
hummingbird shares.
I am spirit of restlessness, busy, quickly
active in the springtime, through the summer
yet on that trail when one will pause, I will
be perching there,
blessing Great Spirit for the beauty of my
soul and self.
am soul of beauty, eagle spirit soaring, lightened by the joy
that is the hummingbird heart, gift of
living, gift of song.
The majesty that bears me up to fly through
storms and pain
carries deep within the unexpected beauty of
my soul's music.
I am radiant with the morning sun, shining
clearly for all to see;
I am lovely as gold and amethyst mountain
sunset, gently closing day.
Listen in the stillness, for my laughter
echoes up and down the canyons,
soul of the mountain, heart of joy, bringer
of peace.
(c) 1995
Spirit Eagle