A Love Letter

Dear Child,

I listened to a prayer for you. My son Jesus prayed the night before he died, particularly prayed for you, his friend. You see, he loves you as I do; and he had great concerns for you and the terrible days he knew would follow. He knew, if you chose to be his friend and seek the path towards unity with Us, you would meet many difficulties along the way. So, I listened to the anguish of his heart. How it hurt so terribly to see his pain. He did not expect fully such terrible events as those that occurred the next day. He knew he could be inviting much resistance and when he saw it growing among the religious leaders over the few years he taught, he knew the end result likely would be very, very difficult for him. But he chose to go forward, so great was his love for you and his desire to help you understand who I AM.

Dear child, Jesus chose to live among you, your brothers and sisters, your friends. He longed to help all of you to understand what he knew and he tried, still tries, in every way he can to tell you who I AM and who you are. The message he spoke so clearly and simply was so unpopular then. That hasn't improved over the years. The religious leaders during the days he was on your beautiful planet Earth were just as arrogant, proud, stubborn and blind as many of those now. They attempted in every way they could to force upon others their version of who I AM as the judging, avenging, accounting, inflexible ruler above all. They ruled by guilt and fear, laws, rules, and every manner of negative power they knew.

Jesus has always been popular with you, your friends and all like you because you understand in your hearts the truth of what he so valiantly spoke. He was not and is not popular among leaders who misuse power and position. His message then was as revolutionary as it still appears to be now. I cannot help but wonder why his words still are seen so, why leaders try so to make them mysterious and incomprehensible. His words, MY words, are very simple. Their very simplicity robs the leaders of their assumed power. That is why they hated Jesus and, as a result, ME then and now. It is too simple, too profoundly pure to be managed externally by those who would control.

Jesus knew death awaited him for his courage and his teaching. He knew a kind of death would await you, as well, if you and your brothers and sisters chose to live his teaching and share it with others. He knew your confusion, pain and the influence of more politically powerful people would tend to bring fragmentation, fear and weakness. He longed to protect you, to stay with you as you mature in your understanding and confidence in My love. However, he knew he would not be allowed to stay because the leaders feared him so. So he begged ME to watch over you, to protect you, to lead you towards unity with each other.

Child of my heart, Jesus loves you so much and longs so, as do I, that you know how lovable and wonderful you are. I ask nothing of you, but long to show my love in any way you will allow. The beauty of love is its power to grow when it is freely given and returned. Jesus chose to live with you and tell you about my inexhaustible, forever love because there seemed no other way to get the message across to you except to do it in Person. We keep trying to show you all the love there is, to give you unconditional acceptance and love, but you keep doubting it is even possible, let alone real. We ask nothing but would give everything if you would accept.

You see, I gave you everything I could think to give when I saw your beautiful, marvelous possibility before you were born. Most of all, I gave you what I have and what Jesus has, perfect freedom. That perfection of the freedom to choose for yourself is inviolate. I respect you so much I would never dream of infringing upon your freedom, even when I know you make unwise, even wrong, choices. The very painful reality of my love for you is that I cannot take away either your freedom to choose or the results of that freedom. Consequently, sometimes your choices lead to incredible pain, suffering, not only for yourself but for others. I grieve when I see you hurt yourself and others by your foolishness, but I love you still. I go on loving you when you forget I am there.

How I long to hold you when you cry, to take the pain of living from you when you suffer loss, illness, cruelty from others, injustice, all manner of difficult things. You see, I conceived of a perfectly marvelous cosmos. My vision sees such a glorious rainbow of possibility. However, all of life is free. While the plan is perfect, the very essence of life is its freedom. Thus, it follows, freedom includes the unexplainable, often strange and damaging results. I cannot prevent those without removing the freedom I gave. And to love is to leave free, to respect both the freedom and the responsibility for that freedom. I cannot remove the results without removing the freedom.

It is you, my dearest child, who has the choice. I promise always to be present with you, to love you. I promise to hold you when you cry. My arms may be those of another person who loves you, reflecting my love. You might be surprised, though. Sometimes I love through the snuggling of a dog, or the rubbing of a cat against your legs. Sometimes I love through the laughter of an innocent infant or the beauty of a new morning heralded by a gold and pink sunrise. I love you so much I try to make sure there are many others in your life to share all the beauty, although many of you wonderful children seem to miss seeing most of it. Your choice is to see my love everywhere it exists or not, to hear me speaking my love in the voices of those near and dear to you...or not.

Oh, dear one, is there no way to say the words so you will hear and heed them? Is there no way you will accept my love and understand it is a gift? I do not expect anything from you. I do not ask you to change. You do not have to earn anything or work to prove how good you are. My vision of you is your majesty as the being you are, only partly realized now, but possible to be fully realized if you wish. Regardless, I love you. As a parent, you have a glimmering of how I love. You gaze upon your own child in wonder and amazement, in awe at the achievements that child enjoys. You would not change one hair on that child's head. I love you in much the same manner, even more. Any more than you cannot prevent your child from falling or making poor choices, nor can I. Our very love and respect assumes that we also will respect the freedom to make the mistakes, regardless of the results. The results do not change the love, although we grieve to see the child suffer

I say these things to you over and over. There are no other words but those I continue to repeat. I love you always and I will be present always. Look into the eyes of those who love you and you will see me. Listen to the birdsong in the morning and you will hear my greeting for the day. Listen to the crickets at night, the frogs in the ponds and trees; and you will hear my lullaby singing you to sleep. Open yourself to the beauty and goodness and look not to the ugliness of poor, mistaken, hurtful choices so many of you make. Look for me. Listen for my voice. I am here. I love you.

 written by the hand of Spirit Eagle


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