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Days until graduation  2005 (seniors), or 2006 (juniors)
Click on your class year!
This site is completely and totally not affiliated with RHS or DISD.
They are not legally binded by anything here, nor does anything here reflect their beliefs or philosophies.  Everything here has been generated on private, not public, equipment and as such is protected by the Bill of Rights.  Thanks

With that said, it is my intent that the aforementioned is completely irrelevant to anything displayed on this site and is just a matter of protecting everyone's collective butt.

As an aside, isn't it sad that we live in a society with a bill of rights where it's still necessary to protect yourself?

I apologize for the advertisements.  This venue is the easiest way to make this site available.  I've requested ads only appropriate for children.  I am sorry and if anyone is upset then feel free to email me, call me or simply don't vist the site.

(Also, if you find a type, misspelling or broken link, PLEASE let me know.)
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(includes some links)
My Favorite Links
See pictures 2 and 3 also!
Math Links
Math Quotes Some Favorite Quotes
An area for the weary web traveler to rest
Fall 2004 Schedule for Kiraly:
A-1                                           B-1
A-2                                             B-2
A-3                                           B-3
A-4 Girls V&JV Soccer             B-4 Girls Varsity Soccer
If you've got AOL or AIM you're welcome to give me a buzz as Kuh Rye.