Proctorville Lodge No 550 F.&A.M.
Proctorville, Ohio
United States of America

Freemasonry is alive and doing well in southeast Ohio.  Proctorville Lodge is the newest Lodge in the Magnificent Twelfth Masonic District of Ohio, and was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 1888.

Masons believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man.

Masonic Year: 6000 Anno Lucis

Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. Gary Chapman

Senior Warden Bro. Buster Blair
Junior Warden Bro. John Thompson
Treasurer Bro. Buddy Ward
Secretary Bro. Ollie Cobb
Chaplain Wor. Bro. Ed Caldwell

Senior Deacon Bro. Dale Clark
Junior Deacon Bro. Rich Mitchell

Senior Steward Bro. Jim Mann
Junior Steward Steve Wiley

Tyler Bro. Ron Harvey

Lodge Education
Wor. Bro. Jim Harvey

Stated Communication: 1st Thursday Of Each Month at 7:30 p.m.


              Master's Trestleboard    Past Masters             Rainbow


          Order of Eastern Star    Turtle Degree       Annual Pig Roast

                                                                       and Wild Boar Degree


Important Masonic Links
International Guild Of
Masonic Webm@sters
Algabil-Freedom Lodge No. 636
Mehlville, MO
Mechanicsville Lodge No. 260
Defiance, MO
Int'l. Supreme Council
Order of DeMolay
Int'l. Order Of The
Rainbow For Girls
Int'l. Order Of
Job's Daughters
Scottish Rite
Valley of Cincinnati
Philip Swigert Lodge No. 218
Fisherville, KY

In Israel

Carthage Lodge No. 573

Cincinnati, OH

East Gate Lodge No. 603

Columbus, OH

Miami Valley Lodge No. 660

Dayton, OH

Hillsborough Lodge No. 25

Tampa, FL

Please Sign
Our Lodge Guestbook
View Our
Lodge Guestbook

We sincerely welcome your comments.


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Bookmarked Web Sites

This site owned and maintained by:

Wor. Bro Jim Harvey
President and Fellow Webm@ster
Ohio Branch, USA Chapter
International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters

(click on Seal to go to Ohio Grand Lodge Web Site)
(c) Copyright 1998. Proctorville Lodge No. 550 F.&A.M. All rights reserved.

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Southeastern Ohio

Proctorville Lodge Hall - Grant and Front Streets

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This e-m@son WebRing site is owned and operated by: Wor. Bro. Jim Harvey
President and Fellow Webm@ster, Ohio Branch, USA Chapter, International Guild Of Masonic Webm@sters
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