The following links are those that could be of interest to educators. These links should help you with just about anything dealing with education. The topics include Professional Associations, ERIC, Math/Science, Social Studies, Reading/English, Foreign Languages, Art/Music, Multicultural Education, Urban Education, Reform, Textbook Publishing Companies, Libraries, References, Museums, Television, and Other.
American Association of School Administrators
American Federation of Teachers
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Association of Teacher Educators
International Reading Association
National Council for the Social Studies
National Council of Teachers of English
National Education Association
National Science Teachers Association
Counseling and Student Services
Disabilities and Gifted Education
Reading, English and Communication
Science, Math and Environmental Education
Social Studies/Social Science Education
National Science Teachers Association
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse
Franklin Institute Science Museum
National Zoological Park- Smithsonian
Museum of
the History of Science (Oxford, England)
ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education
National Council for the Social Studies
American History - American History and Education Resources on the Net
The White House - Official Site of the White House
THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet
City.Net - Travel guides to many cities
National Geographic - You get the magazine, now check out some online resources
ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication
International Reading Association
National Council of Teachers of English
The Children's Literature Web Guide
American Association of Teachers of German
Foreign Language Teaching Forum - SUNY at Cortland
Language Center - Lingua@NET - British Educational
Communitcations & Technology Agency
Association for the Advancement of Arts Education
National Art Education Association
ArtsEdge Network - Linking the Arts and Education through Technology
Crayola Art Education - More than just crayons
ClassicalNet - Information files about Classical music
National Gallery of Art - Washingtion, D.C.
Multicultural Education - prepared by the American
Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education
Laboratory for Student Success - Mid-Atlantic Regional Educational Lab at Temple University
Professional Development Initiative - sponsored by ASCD
Technology and Education Reform - Research project sponsored by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement
Accelerated Schools Project - Stanford Research Project
Coalition of Essential Schools
Core Knowledge Foundation - E.D. Hirsch, Jr.
Educational Excellence Network - Project of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
Project Zero - Harvard University
Education for Minorities Network
The Virtual Reference Desk - Purdue University
Switchboard - White pages and Yellow pages
Franklin Institute Science Museum
Hands On
Children's Museum - Olympia, Washington
Central Pennsylvania PBS affiliate
If you want to suggest sites that could be added to this list please feel free to email me. I am always looking for more sites.
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Last Updated October 5, 1998 by Jacques Viau