What do you want to know about me?
My whole name is Petr Jan Krtitel Borsky.
My nickname is Rosomak, which means Wolverine. I like this nickname.
I was born on January the 28th 1969 in city Pardubice, state Czechoslovakia
(since 1993 it's Czech Republic).
I was baptized and confirmed on August the 12th 1989 in catholic church
in village Krucemburk (also Czechoslovakia).
(End of year 1989 - our country came free.)
I got married on January the 8th 1994.
Since this date I live with my wife Iva in village Byst, near to cities
Pardubice and Hradec
Our daughter Lucie was born on September the
12th 1995.
Since July the 23th 1997 I have my internet home on Geocities.
My interests:
Good music (gothic, renaisance, baroque, ..., contemporary including popular)
Pipe organ
Astronomy and cosmology
Electronics and digital technology
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