Toshi's Exotica Pet Shop

Toshi's Exotica Pet Shop Logo

Ogden, Utah

As it stood from 1978 - 1984 at 31st and Wall.
Building was torn down many years later,
so this is now a historical picture.

All In a Day's Work

That's me working as usual at the shop
and 8 months pregnant!
Tom Thumb

You can't ride Miniature horses
but they can pull ten times their weight.

Let's Size Things Up

Against All Odds
One Of My Many Ferrets

Just checking out his import papers!

Cluck Cluck

A Yellow Nape parrot and my personal pet.
Please click on the link to read one of the many
true stories about this talented and unusual bird.

And Cluck Cluck For All

Capucchin Monkey

Each year for Pioneer Days, we entered floats in the merchants competition and won second place for three consecutive years against retail merchants such as ZCMI, First Security Bank, etc.
Please click on the link to see our floats.

Toshi's Exotica Floats

Home Sweet Home This page was last updated 10/17/98 by SJM WebDZine