
Me, Thee, and the Christmas Tree

Words & Music by ShirLee McGarry

Copyright © SJM November 1985 - 2000

Me, Thee and the Christmas Tree
Waiting for the day.
We Celebrate our Savior's love,
Each in our very own way.

A child with anxious eyes
His nose against the glass
Catching glimps of reindeer
As the snowflakes mark their path

A young girl waiting for
That very special call
Her heart skips when it rings...
It wasn't him after all.

Me Thee and the Christmas Tree
Waiting for the day.
We celebrate our Savior's love
Each in our very own way

A mother wrapping gifts,
Til' all hours of the night,
And children sneaking peaks now
With their faces smiling bright

I yearn for days gone by,
As I sit here on my own.
Me, Thee and the Christmas Tree
How the years have flown.

Me, Thee and the Christmas Tree
Waiting for the day.
We Celebrate our Savior's love,
Each in our very own way.

As Christmas times draws near,
Let us not forget,
That Christmas
Is love.

SJM WebDzine