What's The Point?

"The email message below was recently received by InLovingMemory. It reflected a feeling that often comes up in depression and suicide forums.


So I want to know, if you are all alone unable to do almost any thing due to illness, What is the purpose of living?????????????


"Unfortunately, the author did not leave a valid email address. It is a greater shame, because I asked a friend of mine if he could reply to this question. He is a very special guy. It is always inspiring to listen to his stories of triumph over challenges and difficulties. He fights to hang on to life in spite of adversities, and wants nothing more than to see others fight as well."

"Here is how he answered..."


"I can relate what life purpose is to me. being a person who is termanally Ill I feel I can give this person an answer!"

"There is no purpose to live, life is a right! A right chosen by those of us who have a illness and are haveing that right removed from our choice!"

"before becomming ill life was one conquest after another, growing up. getting a drivers licence, getting married, haveing children, geting a better job, buying newist and best of everyyhing, and then boom the ceiling falls in."

"so what do I have now? a choice,a choice to keep fighting for every breath! To realy see life. Abird chirping and lifting its wings to fly, the trees and leaves swaying in the breeze, watching children play and watching people do just anything, to read soeme lititure and marval at the minds of men and woman over the years, to cry and feel the tears slide down off my cheek, To sit in my wheel chair and fel the breeze blow around my ankles or on nape of neck, To look around and choose to foight and stay a part of this wonderment called life. To listen to music and appreciate the sounds made by others."

"There is so much about life we take for granted.when we are born, no one hands us a gurentee of purpose and how long, a second , a minute , a day a year years. there is not gurentee. but if we stop and look around at others worse than we are, if we watch others who suposedly have it all and care litle about what they have and why and want more and more and can care less if you live or die. what purpose is life for that person???"

"What is the purpose of life? possibly its to take what ever part of life we have left and thank who ever you belive is responcible for allowing you to breath in first place and thank it for giveing us the ability to ask such a question."

"life is what we do with it good or bad.! we have a choice. if life is that bad then we should not fight death and let it take us, but if you do that! answer me this? what purpose is their for dying?"


"I don't think I could answered nearly as well. Thank You, 'oldwhale.' "


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