"In Loving Memory" was created as an online memorial for our loved ones lost to the tragedy of suicide.
This is a place for love, healing and remembrance.
It is our hope to offer a way for friends and family to express their love, anger, emptiness and loss, and to promote awareness of the pain and sorrow that suicide leaves behind.
If you have further questions about this site, please
send an email message. This site is maintained by several people. Please understand that replies may come from different parties.
If you are considering suicide, please consider these sites...
Information about suicide from Metatonia
Confidential counseling from Samaritans
Crisis centers in your area/country
If you suspect someone you know may be at risk, visit...
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Supportive sites for suicide and loss survivors...
Survivors of Suicide resources
Resources for depression and suicide...
Information on depression, affective disorders, mental disorders
Other Memorial Websites...
1000 Deaths (suicide and violence)
Dedication wall for the un-named and un-born
Anorexia and Bulimia victims memorial
Please check back for updates to this links page, as it is still under construction. If you have suggestions for inclusion in these links, please
send an email message.