Social Studies Notebook Assignments
Notebook Rules
1. The Notebook is only used for Social Studies.
2. You must keep it neat and clean.
3. Do not tear out pages.
4. The Notebook must have your name and period.
5. You must place the assignment number on each page.
6. You must bring your notebook to class every day.
7. Do not lose your notebook. If it is lost you need to replace it and redo all your lost work.
8. Only place the assigned notebook assignments into the notebook. Do not use it for other assignments.
9. You must have the assignment list on the last page of the book and the assignment list must be up-to-date.
Notebook Assignments
1. Notebook Rules (Notes)
2. Five Themes of Geography (Notes)(Found on p. H10 of your history book.
3. Island Poster Reflection (Write one page on how you and your group created your project.)
4. Vocabulary definitions. Write the definitions of the Key Terms found on page 6.
5. Do questions 1-3 (8 questions) found on page 11.
6. Notes on Key Characteristics of 5 Hominids. Chart is to be taped into notebook.(See Mr. Gonzalez for notes.)
Notebook was checked for assignments 1-6 on Oct. 16.
7. Questions. Page 39-1a, 1b, 2a, 2b. and Page 43-1a, 1b, 2a, 2b.
8. Do questions 1-3 (8 questions) found on page 11. Notes from the "Iceman" lesson. (see Mr. Gonzalez for make up notes)
9. Draw a map of Mesopotamia. Label all rivers, seas, mountains, etc. Use the map on page 57 as a guide.
10. Do Questions 1a, 1b, 1c and 2a, 2b, 2c found on page 59.
11. Notes on "Sumarian Achievements" pages 67-71.
12. "Later People of the Fertile Crescent" Crossword Puzzle--Taped into Notebook.
13. Notes on "People of the Fertile Crescent Crossword Puzzle. (From pages 74-79
Note book was checked Wednesday, Dec 10 and Thursday Dec. 11 for assignments 7-13.
14. Notes on "Mysteries of Egypt Video." 15 facts about the information given by the video. (If the student was absent during the video, He or she may write down 15 facts about Egypt found in the textbook.)
15. Notes on the "Old Kingdom." (pages 93-100)
16. Draw a map of Ancient Egypt.The map should be similar to the map on page 89.
17. Do questions 1-4 on page 100 (8 questions total).
18. Do questions 1-3 from page 106 (7 questions total).
19. List the various professions or Ancient Egypt. Write a few notes about the duties of each. The information about these professions are on pages 104-106.
20. Do questions 1-4 (7 questions) from page 113 of the textbook.