
Gonzalez Class Expectations
In order for our students to achieve their highest potential, I expect them to follow the rules of my class. By middle school, students are also expected to know the following:
1. Cleanliness.
Students should know not to create trash, not to litter, and not to mark up materials. Students should also know how to practice personal cleanliness.
2. Respect.
Students should show respect for themselves and others by not using vulgar language, and not teasing, bullying or harrassing other students because of race, culture, color, creed, religion, sexual preference. or any other reason. Students should also respect adults.
3. Honesty.
Students should know that lying and stealing is dishonest and wrong.
Students should know how to help others, how to share with others, how to work with others, and how to treat others with kindness and consideration.
5. Responsibility.
Students should know to be on time to class and to bring with them all necessary materials and work.
Required Materials
I expect students to bring all their materials to class each day.
Students are REQUIRED to bring:
1. A well organized binder.
2. The CPMA Student Handbook/Planner
3. At least three black or blue ink pens and three sharpened pencils.
4. A generous supply of lined paper.
5. A One-subject Spiral Notebook (The first Notebook will be provided by the teacher. Later notebooks (about 4) should be provided by the student)
6. All required class work and homework.
A personal pencil sharpener will insure that the student does not have to leave his/her seat during lessons.
Because of the many projects, students will want to have a ruler, a personal set of colored pencils or markers (No permanent markers), and various other art supplies.