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Dreams they come to me
And drown me in them
I can't breathe I can't see
I am drowning , I am not free.

Why should I dream?
Drowning I'd rather scream,
Dreams are not real
They cheat, they show hell.

But life may be misery,
Full of horrible treachery,
Still a life without dreams
Is dull so it seems.

O dreams don't go away,
Come again and again.
It's such a pleasure
Your company I do treasure.

I am not at all sleeping,
Sleep is sickness, not dreams
Dreams make me forget
The day I'll really sleep.

They are God's gift
Dreams, but they go adrift.
I've no sense of thrift
When dreaming, I want the lift.


And then it came again,
The green-eyed monster called envy,
Or was it jealousy its deadly sister?
I don't know which of them it was.

They have a way of attacking from inside you,
They crush a nerve inside the heart.
A nerve where it pains most,
You are stricken, your eyes cloud.

I knew the monster held my nerve,
I struggled to free, I was as helpless
As the rat in a snake's mouth,
But I knew I was being held.

I fought, fought. I will conquer it.
For I know each of the monster's moves.
To know one's enemy fully, is victory itself.
It has released me now, waiting to catch me unawares.


As a boy with a ball I cursed rain.
How inappropriate, how indifferent.
It comes when I want to play, I cursed.
Why not it rain at night when I sleep at home.

Now I know it is different, I have grown.
Rain gives water, nourishes life.
It also causes floods sometimes
But then it only gives, gives in excess.

I saw it raining the other day
And felt sad I have cursed it as a boy.
I did not curse now nor did I praise
Only took off my shirt and drenched in it.

The stars above

Is it possible to touch the stars
I doubt and doubt and doubt
The mind is too narrow too small
I doubt and doubt and doubt.

What is the aim of men
What is the aim of men
Is it to touch the stars
Or to go beyond them.

How can I reach the stars
I am not one-minded, I am not one person.
Can man reach the stars
Is there one man who is completely one?

But what is the aim of life
I see the bright stars shining
As if mocking at my own mediocrity
I see them shining, I see them high.

Will I ever touch the stars
Will I shine bright among them.
I will not mock at them below
I will not make them feel worse.

Will I ever be with the stars
So that those below will see me
And try to become one among us above
And shine himself on those below.

What if all of us become stars
What if there is no one below to see us
Then we will rise above those stars
One by one again beyond these stars.

But what is beyond these stars,
What shines on those shining stars
What is that which is even brighter
Oh, let me first become a star.

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