About Me

Hi everyone my name is Tammy, but more often then not I am called Nug. (It's a long, long story) I was Born in Haifa, Israel but moved to Long Island, New York when I was three years old. I still live there and I am now 26 years old. I love to read, write, hang out with my friends, go to movies, and go to concerts. I also like playing basketball, fishing, hiking, camping, and going to the beach at night to watch the stars. I love traveling. I go on many road trips with my friends, where we get lost and find interesting things. Sometimes I go to clubs and bars, but I don't know how to dance and I can't handle drinking.

I graduated from Hofstra University with a MA in Secondary Education with a concentration in English in May 2002. I also recieved my BA in American and English Literature and Secondary Education from Hofstra in May 2000. I am currently getting ready for my 5th year of teaching. I teach high school English. I've been writing poetry for about 12 years now. I've been published in Perspective Literary Magazine, Font Literary Magazine, Rivers Edge, and The Literary Review. More recently, I've been published in several education magazines and textbooks. For several years I hosted a monthly poetry reading through a group called Performance Poets Association. I've hosted poetry readings at The Cup Cafe in Wantagh, Starbucks in Merrick and Borders, Books, and Music in Syosset. I still do poetry readings through PPA, but life has gotten too hectic to do it too often.

My favorite author is Stephen King. (I know that his writing is not what one would call literature but I still love him). My favorite book is The Stand by Stephen King. (Ok I know you're going to think I'm a masochist now, but I've read the uncut version of this book five times). My favorite short story writer is Flannery O'Connor. (Her writing is a little strange but she really makes you think). My favorite short story is "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe. (Oh boy I love a good gothic story). My favorite poet of the week is Sylvia Plath.. My favorite poem is "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot. My favorite play is Hamlet by William Shakespeare. I know what you're thinking - gee this girl reads a lot and yes I do. In fact I read so much that I have ruined my eyes, and I now have to wear yucky reading glasses. I guess that's the price you pay for being an English Lit. major.

My favorite Broadway Show is Mama Mia. (I haven't seen that many but I would love to one day) My favorite movie is Pulp Fiction. My favorite TV Show is/was Seinfeld. (Why on Earth would anyone cancel this show?) I love going to museums and shows. My favorite painting is Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. (It is in the Museum of Modern Art for those of you that are in the New York City Area). I also love animals especialy dogs and cats. I realize that I've been babbling for a long time now, and for the sake of those of you who aren't sleeping yet, I will now shut up.

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