The Liechtenstein experience
Liechtenstein exchange 2003
For the last nine years Norwich School has participated in a school exchange with the Liechtensteinisches Gymnasium in Vaduz,surely one of the smallest capital cities in the world, spear-headed by Mr. Croston, and Easter 2003 was to be no exception. This year, six sprightly Lower sixth members rose to the challenge of putting into practice their Deutsch, each with a keen eye for fun and high aspirations for a positive and fulfilling experience. Without a doubt, I can safely say that all this was achieved.
The first day consisted of: an early morning, excitement, nerves,
lots of travelling and a birthday. The journeys between Norwich
and Liechtenstein were
dominated by significant quantities of singing and the consumption
of birthday cake.
After meeting the partners and settling a little in our respective
houses, we were taken into Austria, as a welcoming gesture, to
a small, quiet bar named
"Stop" where we spent a relaxing evening winding down
after a long day. We spent the next day with our families, each
being introduced to the splendour of Liechtenstein in different
ways, the more adventurous of us went skiing or for lunch in the
mountains, whereas the more conservative of us investigated the
country by other means; James tried his hand at mountain-hiking,
Luke at cycling and Rob at camping; so by the time we re-grouped
the following day at the Gymnasium (which started ridiculously
early) we all felt we had a firm grasp of the local geography.
Lessons were a new experience to us, much more chalk and talk in comparison with our own more "hands-on approach." After attending a sufficient number of lessons, we started to make ourselves known in Switzerland and Austria; taking advantage of Liechtenstein's and Switzerland's efficient bus system to visit various towns including Feldkirch, Buchs, Werdenberg and Zürich.
Other excursions included a day skiing the pistes of Malbun, ice-skating in Feldkirch, admiring the environmentally friendly machines at Kaiser AG (free hat), visiting the Swarovski crystal factory, having a good look round Schloss Vaduz the newly autocratic prince's humble abode, and attending a Patch Adams convention (no comment!); all with plenty of opportunities to get our cameras out.
Throughout with our partners, we found lots of new places and bars to visit, the Crash bar in Vaduz being the most popular with Sam, whilst Ben, Rob and Luke had a "Schnitzel eating competition." To top this, on the way back, we had a Bavarian blow-out in Lindau before staggering on the plane home to Stansted as Ben took the train across Europe to Perpignan.
All in all, it was a very good educational experience, and was thoroughly enjoyedby the whole group and our thanks must go to Mr. Croston for his organisation of the whole exchange.
Ben Serruys
June 2003
1.Click here
to see a larger picture of Schloss Vaduz.
2.Click here
to see a larger picture of the mountain environment.
More photos can be seen by clicking here.
Auf dieser Webseite
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die EU- Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Liechtenstein vom Ausland gesehen.
- Volksblatt November 2000
Der neue Verfassungsvorschlag vom Fürst.
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Kunst, Kultur und Landeskunde
you ever needed to know about Liechtenstein - D/E
LiGa - Das Liechtensteiner Gabarett
Das liechtensteiner
Internet Verzeichnis
für Anfänger - Uni St Gallen
Sport in Liechtenstein
Bürgerpartei Liechtensteins
Freie Liste
Online - Nachrichten aus Liechtenstein auf Deutsch
Liechtenstein Online
International - auf Englisch
Vaterland - eine Tageszeitung aus Liechtenstein
Volksblatt - die andere Zeitung aus Liechtenstein
Regierung und Verfassungsfragen
- die Regierung in Liechtenstein
in Liechtenstein - auf Englisch
mit den subversiven Enten
Die subversiven
Wirtschaft und die Gemeinden
Seiten über Liechtenstein - Links an Industrie, Treuhand
und Banken
Liechtensteinische Wirtschaft (Firstlink)
Vaduz (Schwerpunkt Tourismus)
Industrie in Liechtenstein
HILTI AG - nur auf Englisch
Blick über die Grenze
Die schweizerische
Bundesbahn und Reiseauskunft.
heutige Wetterlage in der Schweiz